The sending of SMS for the free preventive examinations has started

Sending SMS to prevent colon cancer started today, while the sending of the remaining 2.5 million sms to the beneficiaries of the cervical cancer prevention program started yesterday.

The Deputy Minister of Health Irini Agapidaki, with her post on social media, informs about the sending of the sms, stressing that “prevention saves lives. Don’t neglect the message!’ He states that the screening program “PROLAMVANO” is the first integrated prevention program in our country.

“I just received a message on my mobile phone from IDIKA about the right to perform a free screening for colon cancer”states the Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis in his post on X.

He adds that “colon cancer is one of the most common and dangerous cancers, but if you catch it early, it is curable. Those of you who have received a similar message do not ignore it, it may be the message that will save your life.

Our government and @YpYgGR are currently implementing the largest program of free preventive examinations that has ever been carried out in Greece, using resources from the Recovery Fund. Kudos to @agapidaki74263 for her excellent work in this area!”

Colon cancer screening

Beneficiaries of the colon cancer screening program are approximately 2.8 million people aged 50 to 69 who will initially receive a four-month notice for the free supply of the self-test from partner pharmacies.

This particular one self testit is easy to use and gives a quick result. Anyone can do it at home. This is a special test that detects the presence of blood in the stool, which is an indication of colon cancer. The result of this self-diagnostic test will show the need or not for a free colonoscopy.

The participating pharmacies of the program can be found in the “Partnering Pharmacies and Examination Centers” section on the website

In the event that the beneficiaries do not have the immaterial prescription activated, they can go to any cooperating pharmacy in their area and obtain the self-test, only by using the AMKA, without any financial burden.

The screening program includes;

  • free examination with special self-diagnostic tests (self-test) that citizens will be able to obtain from partner pharmacies
  • free visit to a cooperating gastroenterologist/endoscope for clinical evaluation in case it arises
  • positive self-test result
  • depending on the clinical assessment, includes a free diagnostic colonoscopy
  • free biopsy examination in case of findings, always in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Expert Committee.


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