Empowerment on the Platform! Insights from Chiara Soldano’s Speech

Well, well, Kicking off our conversation today, we have a delightful treat from Chiara Soldano, the CEO of AXA Italia, who recently decided to exchange the boardroom for a stage, albeit a far more challenging one. She spoke at the Uaa for Women event, emphasizing the need for inclusion, female empowerment, and equal opportunities. It sounds like a lovely topic for a tea party, but make no mistake; this was a call to arms!

Statistically Speaking: Alarming Insights

Soldano told us the stats, and, oh boy, it’s bleak out there! Women are taking a 20% pay cut for the same work as their male counterparts. Now, I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but at this rate, by the time we achieve gender equality, we might be conversing with our holographic assistants about how to bake a cake with less flour!

And here’s the kicker—one in five women gracefully exits the job market after maternity. Let’s be honest, if my employer treated me like an old laptop when I got back from a holiday, I’d be wandering off too! Only 33% of businesses are owned by women, and a staggering 42% of those entrepreneurs can’t even get a personal bank account. What’s next, a world where we hand out certificates for not having a bank account? “Congratulations, you’re officially unbanked!”

Econ 101: The Power of Gender Equality

Now for a bit of hopeful news: Soldano claimed that if Italy managed to achieve gender equality by 2050, the GDP could soar by 12%. That’s a solid chunk of change, folks! I mean, who wouldn’t want a few extra euros for gelato and unexpected surprises?

But achieving this magic number requires more than just waving a wand; it calls for a bustling commitment—from workplaces to domestic spheres. And let’s spark those conversations about digital innovation and sustainability while we’re at it! “Listen up, ladies! You’re not just empowered; you’re now tasked with saving the planet while doing it!” Ah, the joys of multitasking!

Policies and Figures: The Gender Equality Equation

Soldano noted that regulatory provisions have been helpful in nudging companies toward gender equality. Yeah, if nudging involved a gentle tap with a hammer! She lamented that only 2% of women hold CEO roles despite advances. It’s astonishing, really. The only place it seems to be easier to find unicorns is in the boardroom. “I love being a CEO,” says Soldano, “but I don’t want to be the last one standing in a field of unicorns!”

A Step Towards Home-Work Balance

At AXA, it looks like they’re making strides to improve home-work balance for mothers, rolling out policies that sound like a wish list for every mother everywhere. “Smart working, parental policies, corporate welfare!” It’s almost too good to be true. When’s the last time you heard of a company prioritizing parenting as if it were a hot tech product? “Introducing the AXA baby monitor with state-of-the-art parental leave benefits!”

The Inevitable Conundrum: Finding Agents

Here’s a twist in our tale: when asked about expanding their female agency network, Soldano cheekily noted, “The real issue is finding insurance agents in general. Much like trying to find good Wi-Fi in the middle of nowhere!” She stresses the importance of making insurance jobs more understandable to younger folks, encouraging us all to promote the industry like it’s a must-see tourist destination. “Visit the land of insurance, where you’ll find great rewards and maybe a few dragons!”

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

In conclusion, Chiara Soldano isn’t just leading a company; she’s leading a movement. So, whether you’re juggling work, motherhood, or deciding if today’s the day to finally try that new salad, remember, every bit counts in this grand adventure of equality! The road ahead might be rocky, but if we all pitch in, who knows? We might just make it to that gelato stand yet.

Fabio Sgroi

The CEO of Axa Italia recently spoke at an event organized by the Axa Agents Union expressing her opinion on topics such as inclusion, female empowerment and equal opportunities.

Chiara Soldano, CEO of AXA Italia, speaks at the Uaa for women event

Inclusion, female empowerment, equal opportunities. These are issues on which Axa is committed globally. But the commitment, not only of the French group, is not enough. We need to do more. Because, he stressed Chiara SoldanoCEO of AXA Italia, «the risk of not being able to bridge gender equality in the world of work is social and economic. Women are paid on average 20% less than men, one in five leaves the job market after maternity, only 33% of businesses are owned by women, 42% of these do not have a personal bank account. All this is alarming and therefore it is important that we act for a clear change which must first of all be cultural”.

Speaking during the event Uaa for women organized a few weeks ago by the Axa Agents Union in MilanSoldano spoke about social and economic risk, pointing out that «if we managed to achieve gender equality by 2050, Italian GDP could grow by 12%».

What to do? In which areas should we act? Work, but also the home-work balance. Soldano remarked how much it is “important and fundamental”for young women, skills, preparation, quality, all factors that must be taken into consideration, «but also openness to new subjects, I’m thinking for example of digital and green…».

The regulatory provisions have contributed to increasing gender equality. Soldano recalled the law which provides for equal distribution (men and women) within the boards of directors of companies. «Despite this, only 2% of women hold the role of CEO. Personally, I am very proud of the role I play, but I don’t want to be a white fly…”.

Chiara Soldano

Axa, as previously reported, has worked hard to ensure equal opportunities at work. «From the point of view of home-work balance»Soldano recalled, «we paid particular attention to women who become mothers: parenting policies, smart working, corporate welfare. We have expanded initiatives in this direction. Axa CEO Thomas Buberl had set complete gender equality in the leadership team as a target to be achieved at group level in 2023. The objective has been achieved, but we cannot stop here. Precisely with reference to the growth of skills we are acting on many fronts, masters, Axa Research Fund, the community of business angels who invest in female start-ups. We are focusing on the new generations, where we find greater awareness and we must be examples for them, developing any path that allows women to decide what they want to do with their life”.

Then the chapter women – insurance agents. The research of the AXA agents union does not highlight positive data. On the contrary. Does Axa have among its objectives that of growing a more female agency network? Do you have any tools in mind to facilitate this? «Actually the real problem is finding insurance agents in general…»Soldano replied. «At Axa we are studying ways to encourage new generations. The training goes in the direction of ensuring the presence of both male and female figures. In my opinion it’s not enough. We should approach the world of universities, make young people understand what the job of an insurer is, what it means to be an agent, we need to promote knowledge of the world of insurance in general. I believe there is a difficulty in understanding what this work is; we must commit ourselves to this, focusing on the fact that the new generations are more courageous…”.

Fabio Sgroi



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