Late settlement: Wuppertal demands money for corona protection material – WDR

Wuppertal Nursing Services: An Invoice Saga

Ah, the pandemic—the time when toilet paper was worth its weight in gold, and a mask felt more like a superhero cape than a health precaution! In Wuppertal, nursing services were left scrambling for resources like it was some twisted version of “Survivor: Medical Edition.” The city tried to help out, of course, providing corona protection material through the fire department—because nothing screams “health care” like borrowing from the guys who usually come to your house when your smoke alarm goes off.

But, hold your horses! What could possibly go wrong with a little urban resource-sharing? Fast forward to nearly three years later, and surprise, surprise! The bills are rolling in. “Surprise invoices? It’s like the worst birthday party ever!” You can just hear the collective groans from those nursing services as they realize they’ve become unintentional participants in an invoicing horror show.

Bills Almost Three Years Later

So, let’s break this down. The AHK nursing service gets a charming little request for 1,500 euros, and if you thought that was excessive, the Hedderich crew has been blessed with a invoice of 1,900 euros. It’s as if they threw a party and forgot to send the ‘thank you’ card until everyone had already moved on with their lives! You can’t help but think: when did Wuppertal become the late-night comedy club of billing practices?

Inaccurate Invoice Content?

Claudia Trust from AHK nursing service sounds like she’s just rolled out of a time machine from 2021 when things got a bit too close for comfort. They tried to clarify these charges back then but then poof! Like a bad magician, it all just disappeared into the ether. Saschka Hedderich is also scratching her head—wondering if they’ve been double-charged. “Can we get a few health checks done while we’re at it, just to be sure we’re not losing our minds here?”

Annoyance with Nursing Services

The city is clutching its pearls, saying the rescue package has been closed since mid-2021. And now, because “various reasons,” those pesky bills are showing up like an unwanted ex. Can you imagine being told, “Hey, I know it’s been three years, but could you settle an old tab?” It’s the sort of situation that makes you want to invest in some serious lawyer fees rather than pocket change!

We find this statement dubious. We would have been happy if they had been honest with us. So I don’t feel like I’m being taken seriously as a contractual partner. — Claudia Trust, AHK nursing service

City Trying to Find a Solution

But fear not, folks! The city claims they’re all ears, taking into account the disgruntled letters of protest and probably a few lawyers’ billable hours too. City spokeswoman Martina Eckermann assures us they are on it, working to find a solution—because nothing says ‘we care’ quite like gathering feedback over cold coffee and stale donuts.

So what’s to learn from this enchanting saga of Wuppertal nursing services? Sometimes, even during a crisis, one wrong turn can lead to a snail-paced invoice disaster that keeps giving, kind of like that Christmas fruitcake no one asked for! Cheers to the nursing services and the surprises that keep on surprising. Let’s just hope someone gets to the bottom of this before the next pandemic rolls through!

Our sources:

  • City of Wuppertal
  • Claudia Trust, AHK nursing service

The 2020/21 pandemic: Masks and corona tests were expensive and urgently needed. Nursing services took what they could get. Because it was clear: the services should and had to continue working.

The city of Wuppertal helped. Nursing services were able to obtain corona protection material from the fire department. Settlement should take place later via a rescue package. There should be no charge for the services.

Bills almost three years later

This is where the current problem facing Wuppertal nursing services begins: several bills were paid back then, but some were not. And they are arriving at the services now, almost three years later.

Two examples: The AHK nursing service should pay 1,500 euros, the colleagues from Hedderich should pay 1,900 euros. It can be assumed that practically every nursing service in the city has received such a bill.

Inaccurate invoice content?

Claudia Trust from AHK says they asked about the outstanding invoices in 2021 in order to claim them. Then we lost sight of the whole thing. Now the payment request.

Saschka Hedderich from the nursing service of the same name is not only surprised by the late bill. The city of Wuppertal is apparently not clear about what exactly needs to be billed. “The letter asks us to check the invoice for accuracy because we have already paid other invoices. It could be that things are being charged twice.”

Annoyance with nursing services

One thing is certain: the rescue package has been closed since mid-2021 and subsequent billing is no longer possible. The accompanying letter from the city states that the bills are only coming now “for various reasons”. A vague wording that causes additional dissatisfaction among the services.

We find this statement dubious. We would have been happy if they had been honest with us. So I don’t feel like I’m being taken seriously as a contractual partner. Claudia Trust, AHK nursing service

City trying to find a solution

According to its own statement, the city is taking the dissatisfaction of the nursing services very seriously. Letters of protest have been received and several companies have hired lawyers. “We see ourselves as responsible,” says city spokeswoman Martina Eckermann. “We will now collect the feedback and then try to find a reasonable and fair solution with everyone.”

Our sources:

  • City of Wuppertal
  • Claudia Trust, AHK nursing service



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