Netanyahu responds to Macron: it was “the blood” of soldiers that created Israel, not the UN

Netanyahu vs Macron: A Battle of Words

Well folks, it seems we’ve stumbled upon a verbal duel of titans! In one corner, we have Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, equipped with a sharp tongue and, presumably, a rather hefty thesaurus. And in the other corner, it’s Emmanuel Macron, the suave French President, known for his charming accent and penchant for poetic rhetoric. One is armed with history, the other with diplomacy, and the result? A cacophony of clashing perspectives on Israel’s founding—because really, when it comes to international relations, why not throw in a bit of drama?

So, let’s break it down, shall we? This past Tuesday, following a statement from Macron implying that Israel’s establishment was largely a product of the United Nations’ decisions, Netanyahu decided to hit back. He boldly proclaimed that Israel’s creation was not just a stroke of bureaucratic genius from the HIM (because who needs full titles when you have historical context?), but rather the “blood” of valiant soldiers during the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. Cue the marching band, dear readers, as this is where the history books clash like overly dramatic high school rivals!

“A reminder to the French president: it was not a decision of the HIM which established the State of Israel but the victory achieved in the War of Independence with the blood of our heroic combatants.”

Ah, the melodrama of conflict; nothing quite matches it! Netanyahu’s rebuttal is mixed with a touch of indignation as he accuses Macron of backing “hundreds of anti-Semitic decisions against the State of Israel.” Now there’s an accusation that could spice up a dinner party! But what exactly these decisions are remains as vague as a politician’s promise.

Meanwhile, Macron, with his characteristic flair, had earlier pointed a finger at Israel’s actions in Lebanon, specifically addressing the rather sticky situation involving the UNIFIL blue helmets. “Let’s take it easy, chaps! Maybe ease up on the artillery barrage, shall we?” he likely suggested, adjusting his beret and sipping a cappuccino, as he lamented the injuries among peacekeepers. Because if we learned anything from high school drama—what’s a party without a few injuries?

And yet, let’s not forget about weapons deliveries because, of course, nothing says “let’s avoid conflict” like shipping arms to a region already bursting at the seams with tension. Macron has been warning against this, likely imagining a scene straight out of a film where everyone chooses peaceful resolutions over, you know, *literal explosions*.

So, here we are, folks, at the crossroads of diplomacy and historical interpretation. Will Netanyahu have the last word? Will Macron respond with yet another poetic retort? One can only imagine the next episode of “As the Middle East Turns.” Grab your popcorn, because this dispute is just getting started.

The moral of the story? Whether it’s blood or votes, history seems to be written by those who dare to argue the loudest. And as these two leaders volley verbal grenades across the diplomatic landscape, we can only sit back and watch, hoping they remember the fine art of conversation before it turns into an all-out shouting match!

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuresponded this Tuesday to the French president, Emmanuel Macronthat the State of Israel was not established by decision of the HIMbut with “the blood” of its soldiers during the Arab-Israeli war of 1948.

Macron, shortly before, said during the meeting of the French Council of Ministers at the Elysée that the Israeli president “You must not forget that your country was created by a decision of the HIMaccording to several local media, after Netanyahu to once again call for the withdrawal of UNIFIL blue helmets from southern Lebanon.

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The French president was referring to the fact that the UN General Assembly voted in 1947 on the plan for the division of Palestine into a Jewish state (Israel) and another Arab.

A reminder to the French president: it was not a decision of the HIM which established the State of Israel but the victory achieved in the War of Independence (the name you use Israel to refer to the war of 1948) with the blood of our heroic combatants”the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.

The Israeli ruler’s office also accused the HIM to approve “hundreds of anti-Semitic decisions against the State of Israel”, without going into more details.

This is a new step in the growing disagreement between both rulers, after France has condemned Israel’s actions in Lebanon, especially the repeated attacks on barracks and positions of the UNIFILwhich have caused several injuries among the blue helmets.

Macron has also asked that the outside deliveries of weapons to the area to prevent the conflict in Middle East degenerate into a regional war.



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