Linda Rybová lived with Robert Kodym for 5 years. It was wild, we talked a lot and didn’t sleep, she admitted –

Linda Rybová: From Rock ‘n’ Roll Romance to Domestic Bliss with David Prachař

Ah, the life of a Czech diva! Linda Rybová, that marvel of a mother and actress, has taken us all on quite the rollercoaster ride through her heart. Once a wild spirit roaming the nineties like she was auditioning for a role as the star of "Rock of Ages," she’s somehow settled into a family life that could put a Hallmark movie to shame.

The Wild Witch of the West (or was it East?)

Back in the day, Rybová was more than just a pretty face; she had the kind of energy that could power a small city. With a penchant for musicians, she played a high-stakes version of romantic roulette. Her prominent affair with rock legend Robert Kodym reads like a rock star’s greatest hits album. Together, they were the stuff of legends—or at least, tabloid headlines. She reminisces fondly, saying, "They talked a lot and didn’t sleep," arguably the motto of most relationships where musicians are involved. (Hello? Anyone who’s ever tried to catch a wink during a late-night jam session understands!)

Love Letters from the Wilderness

Now, it’s no surprise that being with a rock star earned her a plethora of unwanted attention from the female fans. One makeup artist even tried to morph into Rybová, sporting a blonde wig, hoping to snag Kodym’s heart. Talk about commitment! A word to the wise, though—fancy wigs won’t win the heart of a rock god. But those nasty letters she received? Oh, darling, if I had a penny for every time I received hate mail for being fabulous, I’d be rolling in glitter!

Eventually, Linda and Robert traded in their frenetic romance for a domestic routine—attending concerts and drama rehearsals, no less! Because nothing says “wild” quite like going to the theater at 8 PM sharp and being in bed by 10, am I right?

Falling for the Theatrical Hero

Then came our Mr. Perfect: David Prachař. After a brief friendship, they declared their love with the kind of fervor that only the best literary romances can encapsulate. And here’s where it gets juicy—David was married when Cupid hurled his arrow, suggesting that theater really isn’t all about highbrow scripts; it can be drama both on and off the stage! Rybová reportedly even had a fiery encounter with his then-wife, Dana Batulková. Now that’s what I call real method acting!

Love in the Time of Letters

As if that wasn’t enough of a plot twist, Linda had to weather a storm of jealousy too. Her newfound fame in love brought her letters teeming with envy—women accusing her of being the ultimate femme fatale. Her response? A shrug and a cheeky grin. "The men leave because of women like me," she might as well have said, channeling her inner feline. And through it all, their love blossomed amid snarky insults and misunderstandings, which, let’s face it, just makes the relationship even more relatable!

Stability Amidst the Chaos

Fast-forward to now, and she and David are that stable couple that everyone else in showbiz envies. If you’re looking for tranquility amidst the chaos of celebrity life, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Rybová has discovered the holy grail of relationships. They’ve got three kids, a wealth of colorful stories, and more love than you can shake a stick at. After all, nobody gifts you the ability to play mom and rock star simultaneously without a few sacrifices made in the name of love!

So, as we admire Linda Rybová’s journey from a wild free spirit to a loving mother and wife, let’s raise a glass (or maybe a cigar, depending on your style) to her evolution—she proves that sometimes the best stories come not from the high notes of rock ballads but the gentle hum of a happy family home. Cheers to you, Linda!

Milan Bauer

15. 10. 2024

3 minuty

Linda Rybová, a beautiful actress and mother of three, has been David Prachara’s wife for many years. But in the past she was really wild and knew how to enjoy life to the fullest. This included several romances with musicians.

Actress Linda Rybová has long been considered a fragile fairy, while in the nineties she was rather wild and unrestrained. She had a particular weakness for musicians, and she lived the longest with rock icon Robert Kodym.

VIDEO: Rybová and Prachař talked about their life together in Honza Dědek’s 7 falls. Take a look.

Source: Youtube

Wild beginnings

To this day, she sometimes likes to look at a photo from when she and Kodym started together. “I have long blonde hair on her, Robert has long dark hair, we both have SLRs on our eyes and we’re holding cigars,” the actress described in an interview for Marianne. The beginning of their relationship was very wild, Rybová describes it as “they talked a lot and didn’t sleep”.

At the time after the frontman of the group Vjecy Stovians desired by many women. One makeup artist even later admitted to Rybová that she tried to look like her to have a chance with Kodym. She was wearing a blonde wig, but it still didn’t help.

She tamed the stormtrooper

In the end, they stayed together for five years, and the actress still sees it as a great love. Stormy beginnings gradually turned into a classic domestic life. “We didn’t socialize, no wild things happened. Robert went to concerts and I went to the theater,” said Rybová.

At that time, she was his muse and appeared in the Angels clip. “I did go to the concerts of the Wanastovs and, at that time, especially Lucie, but I was always terribly shy and stood somewhere in the corner. I danced feeling embarrassed that Robert Kodym’s girlfriend was dancing to his songs.”

Weakness for musicians

But Kodym was not the only man from the music industry that Rybová dated. During the filming of the movie Bouquets she was supposed to get close to the singer Dan Bárta. Her other partner was i Jan P. Muchowwho, according to iDnes, broke up with the actress because of her instability.

In one of the interviews, Linda admitted that she was also in love with the actor Paul of the Cross. “I loved him in the tale of the Brave Blacksmith, and I liked his poems in Poets.” He was such an ideal romantic hero for me.” she revealed to iDnesa.

A spark jumped in the theater

In the end, however, none of the musicians became her fateful husband, but a colleague from the theater. Rybová was first friends with David Prachar for a year, but then the proverbial spark flew. “I think it’s best described in literature as being struck by Cupid’s arrow. One is hit in a single second,” stated Prachar for Dáma magazine.

Although Rybová was unmarried at the time, Prachar was married. When his wife Dana Batulková she found out who he was having fun with behind her back, Rybová was said to have slapped her in the theater dressing room.

Dozens of letters full of insults

In the beginning of their love, she also had to bite through many nasty letters and messages from women who had nothing to do with her. “They wrote nasty letters. That I was the prototype of something that ruined their lives. They told me that the man left them precisely because of the kind of women like me. The ones who look like they can’t count to five, and yet they have everything figured out.” Linda Rybová confided to iDnes.

On the contrary, the negative reviews strengthened their relationship even more. Today, Linda Rybová and David Prachar are one of the most stable couples in Czech show business. Together they raise three children and form one big family.




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