Shooting attack on Route 4: one person was killed and four were injured

Shooting attack on Route 4: one person was killed and four were injured

Welcome, dear readers, to yet another twist in the plot of everyday life – and let me tell you, this one’s as gripping as a soap opera touched by the hand of Dostoyevsky. Today, we delve into the tragic tale of Sergeant Major Adir Kadosh, a heroic police officer who was gunned down while just doing his job on Highway 4 near Livna. Honestly, how much drama can a traffic officer encounter? It’s not quite Fast and Furious, is it?

So, what happened? Picture this: Adir, at the peak of his powers, escorts the lanes of safety in his uniform like a modern-day knight in shining armor, only to meet a rather unpleasant fate at the hands of a terrorist. A theater performance one might describe as “Life’s Little Ironies.” This terrorist reportedly strolled onto the highway from Gaza, armed and ready for mayhem. But, fear not, our real-life superhero was swiftly neutralized at the scene – and who said you can’t get a happy ending in dark times? (But we’d prefer if it didn’t come with such a hefty price tag, would we?)

Now, if you thought that’s where the excitement ends, let’s not forget the aftermath. Injuries were reported, a car took some damage, and amid the chaos, we had civilian heroes, like a medic in his private vehicle, jumping in to save the day when sirens failed to echo. I mean, isn’t life just a grand comedy of errors sometimes? Talk about being in the right place at the wrong time!

But let’s shift gears here. Adir was not just a badge number and a pair of handcuffs; he was a person with dreams. At just 33 years old, with marriage plans looming over the horizon like a particularly stubborn cloud, he had a promising future. He finished law school but decided to swap the courtroom for the chaotic streets – a choice that, in retrospect, could now use a good lawyer, don’t you think? Adir left behind family, friends, and a fiancé who will have to face life’s harsh realities without him.

In a touching nod, the LGBT community released a statement honoring Adir’s legacy. A tragic reminder that no matter the makeup of our lives, love transcends the darkest events. One wonders, though, if love can indeed conquer all, considering how poorly some people handle the rush hour commute.

Let’s circle back to the police. Their investigation into how this guy managed to perform his own version of lawn darts on the highway is still ongoing. Will they find out if he was a lone wolf or just part of a more sinister pack? Judging by the state of the world, one can only imagine the answer lies somewhere in between. Clue: probably involves too many cooks in the kitchen.

It gets better – because why wouldn’t we want to heighten the absurdity? The municipalities of Yavne and Ashdod took precautionary measures by setting up barriers… at the entrances to the city. You know, because nobody exploits tragedy for a sales strategy like cities do! “To keep out the bad guys, let’s beef up the town and pretend that will solve everything.” If only we had a barrier against terrible news, right?

And don’t get me started on the prison systems! Apparently, the criminals are untouched by the news cycle, finding out days later about events like this. It’s like being at a party where the DJ plays three days of old tracks and nobody can dance — messy, disorganized, and someone inevitably winds up out of the loop.

Ultimately, as we unravel this tapestry of tragedy, heroism, and a dash of chaos, we must remember that tragedy can often slip through the cracks faster than a WhatsApp message sent before your mother’s birthday. And while we hold onto the memories of the fallen heroes, let’s also hold our loved ones a bit tighter and pray that the next twist in this unpredictable saga isn’t another senseless act of violence.

Sgt mighty holy The deceased, a police officer in the Traffic Division, was murdered today (Tuesday), in a shooting attack on Highway 4 near Livna while performing his duties, four were moderately and lightly injured. The terrorist, a resident of the Jabaliya neighborhood in Gaza who had recently lived in Judea and Samaria, was neutralized at the scene and pronounced dead at the scene.

The security system continues to investigate the incident and examine how the terrorist managed to reach the highway. The Shin Bet is checking whether the terrorist acted alone or was directed by a terrorist infrastructure in Yosh or even in Gaza.

The late Adir Kadosh, served in the traffic division of the police. During his normal shift, while in a car, he was caught up in the tragic incident and ran into a terrorist, so “Maariv” learned. It was also learned that his family initially did not know about his fate. When they failed to contact him, and knowing that he was stationed In the Yavne interchange area, family members tried to call him in every possible way. His brother even contacted a close contact in an attempt to find out the reason for his unavailability.

Finally, the Israel Police gave the family the hard news. It is worth noting that Adir completed law studies, but chose to continue his service in the police. The late Adir Zal, 33 years old, in Nofo, from Rishon Lezion, left behind his parents, two brothers and a partner with whom he was supposed to marry next month.

The Association for the LGBT community issued a statement following the death of the late Sergeant Major Adir Kadush: The association participates in the grief of the family of the late Policeman Adir Kadush, a member of the community who was killed while performing his duty in the shooting attack near the Yavneh interchange. Adir served in the police since 2013 after serving A military officer in the MGB. Adir left behind his parents, two brothers and his partner. His friends in the police say that he was a professional policeman and loved by everyone who knew him. Adir and his partner were supposed to get married next month on 11.11.25 and immediately after the wedding he was supposed to to start an officers’ course. This is a great loss for the Israel Police and for society as a whole.”

Neutralizing the terrorist at the Yavne interchange, Nir Galim intersection (photo: use according to Section 27 A)

According to MDA reports, Adir was mortally wounded and his death was pronounced a short time later. Another man, 42 years old, was moderately injured from the windows of his car that were shattered by the shooting. He continued his journey to the Nir Galim intersection, where he received medical treatment. Three other people were seriously injured Kal, among them a doctor who tried to render aid and was hit by a car.

An MDA medic who was not on duty happened upon the scene and eliminated the terrorist. He described: “I arrived in my private vehicle, I did not know that an attack was taking place. I saw a man on the side of the road. When I slowed down, he opened fire on me. I bent down, and when the terrorist stopped for a moment, I took the opportunity to fire and neutralize him.”

Who neutralized the terrorist in the attack on Route 4 (photo: screenshot)

According to the suspicion, the terrorist arrived on foot from the side of the road and opened fire at a vehicle of the security forces that was there. The driver was fatally injured and died on the way to the hospital. The terrorist continued and shot at another vehicle, but the driver managed to escape. A large police force is operating at the scene. The identity of the terrorist has not yet been determined, and DNA tests are being carried out at the Abu Kabir Institute to identify him. At the same time, searches continue to locate additional suspects.

Dr. Eliad Aviram, Deputy Director of Assuta Ashdod Public Hospital after the attack on Route 4 (Photo: Assuta Ashdod Press Agency)

Highway 4 was blocked to traffic in both directions. The municipalities of Yavne and Ashdod announced taking precautionary measures, including placing barriers at the entrances to the cities and increased alertness of the security forces.

MDA emergency medic Avner Ben David, who arrived at the scene of the attack on Highway 4 near the Yavne interchange, said: “We arrived at the scene with large forces, we saw a man in his 30s on the side of the road unconscious, without a pulse or breathing and with gunshot wounds to his body, we began to execute him CPR operations, we put him in the intensive care vehicle and quickly evacuated him to the hospital while continuing to perform CPR operations when his condition is critical.”

The scene of the attack on Route 4 (photo: Dovrot MDA)

The municipality of Yavne said: “A short time ago, a report was received of a shooting incident on road number 4 (near the Yavne South interchange). The police isolate the scene and are treating the injured person who is on the scene. The circumstances of the incident are under investigation and according to the police, the background to the incident has not yet been determined (criminal ) as part of the treatment, barriers have been set up at the entrances to the city and we ask to avoid approaching the area and to be vigilant in accordance with the instructions of the security forces. Additional updates will be provided later.”

The mayor of Ashdod, Dr. Yehiel Lesri, told the residents: “Following the incident on Route 4 and out of caution, all security forces and emergency units are deployed in the city. Barriers were placed at the entrances and exits to Ashdod. According to the information from the police, the incident did not spill over into Ashdod areas, traffic jams and disruptions are expected on Route 4. Please be vigilant and report any unusual event to the 106 hotline.”

The attack at the Yavne interchange has not yet come to the attention of the security prisoners imprisoned in the prison service facilities, and this is because the security prisoners are cut off from means of communication. This is what a senior Shavas official told Ma’ariv.

According to him, incidents of this type come to the attention of the security prisoners only a few days later. “The elimination of Nasrallah also permeated the security prisoners only after four or five days. That’s why we are preparing, checking, awake and ready for any scenario,” said the source. “Right now, the situation is calm and they don’t have any information about the incident. That’s why no reactions of joy or manifestations of incitement were observed either,” he added.



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