Who applies and the criteria

The platform of the “Save 2023” program will remain open until September 15 for the submission of applications.

It is estimated that 20,000 households will be included in the program, with a budget of 300 million euros, of which 60 million are allocated exclusively to vulnerable households with the aim of combating energy poverty.

Investment support rates scale from 40 to 75%, depending on household income, while the remaining amount can be borrowed at a subsidized interest rate.

Which houses are included

The residences that will be selected for inclusion in the program must meet the following conditions:

To exist legally.
That they have not been deemed demolishable.
To be used as main residences.
To have been classified based on the First Energy Performance Certificate (EPE) in a category lower than or equal to C.
Not be eligible using a short-term rental (Airbnb type).
After the application for inclusion in the program is deemed “Eligible in principle”, it is then necessary to issue and submit to the program the Electronic Building Identity.

The interventions

Replacement of frames.
Installing/upgrading thermal insulation.
Heating/cooling system upgrade.
Domestic hot water system (DHW) using Renewable Energy Sources (RES).
Other energy saving interventions (installation of a smart management system – smart home, smart electrical load management systems, smart heating/cooling control systems, smart remote control and monitoring systems).


Entitled to participate in the program are natural persons who retain a right in rem (full ownership / usufruct / small ownership) in an eligible residence, while potential beneficiaries of the program “Save – Renovate for young people” cannot apply.

Only one application can be submitted for each eligible natural person.
A residence with an active application in one of the energy upgrade programs “Home Savings II”, “Save – Autonomy”, “Save 2021” and “Save – Renovate for young people” is not entitled to submit to this program.

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