Wojciech Kucina broke up with his partner. He was in a relationship with the star of “Dancing with the Stars”!

Julia Żugaj officially announced her separation from her fiancé Maciej Ejsmontwith which she has been associated for over five years. The couple released a joint video statement explaining why they decided to end their relationship. As they confessed, their relationship had been gradually cooling down for about a year.

Every relationship has its ups and downs. This was also the case with us. We had many great moments, we were together for over five years and I have beautiful memories of this relationship. (…) I think that the last period was such a low for us despite good moments, such as the engagement or buying a house – they said.

Certainly, apart from her family, Julia’s dance partner will be a great support for Julia, who is fulfilling her dream of participating in “Dancing with the Stars”. Wojciech Kucina. All the more so because the dancer himself has been separated from his long-time partner. The 27-year-old was associated with the famous Natalia Głębocka, who partnered on the dance floor with, among others, Gimper. She persuaded him to take part in the show!

Did Monika Kociołek envy Julia Żugaj’s success? | Eska Interviews

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Wojciech Kucina is single

According to the Złota Scena website, Kucina was associated with Natalia Głębocka for five years. The dancer became known to a wider audience by taking part in three editions of “Dancing with the Stars”. She was the one who persuaded Wojciech to take part in the show!

My girlfriend and dance partner, Natalia Głębocka, convinced me to take part in the program – he revealed in an interview with AW Press.

In a recent interview with “Pomponik”, the dancer admitted that he is currently single. She understands even more what the popular influencer is currently going through.

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Love is Dead: Julia Żugaj and Maciej Ejsmont’s Breakup

Julia Żugaj has officially hit the brakes on her long-term relationship with fiancé Maciej Ejsmont, bringing an end to over five years of shared memes and questionable Instagram selfies. In a heartfelt joint video statement, the couple shared the shocking news – shocking in the way that finding a raisin in your cookie is shocking. You knew something was off, but you’re still disappointed!

“Every relationship has its ups and downs. This was also the case with us. We had many great moments…”

Ah yes, the classic breakup handbook line – the the “we had ups and downs” cliché. I mean, isn’t that just breaking up in a fancy dress? It sounds elegant until the reality hits you: you just spent five years penning a rom-com script that ended up in the bargain bin.

In a statement that would put even the most dramatic reality show to shame, they revealed their relationship had been “gradually cooling down” over the last year. I can just imagine them sitting on opposite ends of the sofa in a cold war-on-the-cushions style standoff, contemplating whether to binge-watch *Breaking Bad* one more time or just accept that the only thing heating up is the leftover pizza in the microwave.

They reminisced about all the beautiful moments shared – the engagement, the house they bought (which, let’s be real, is pretty peculiar when you realize you’re just shacking up to keep up appearances), and, of course, the riveting memories that make you scream “We had *so many* great times!” while your heart screams “Get me out of here!”

Julia’s Got the Moves!

But fear not, for Julia isn’t just moping around! No, she’s trading John Mayer for a dance floor as she pursues her dream of participating in “Dancing with the Stars”. Enter Wojciech Kucina, her dance partner and newly coined support system. After all, nothing helps you forget your ex like cha-cha-ing with a former contestant of the same dance show, right? Let’s just hope he’s got a great sense of timing, unlike their relationship.

“My girlfriend and dance partner convinced me to take part in the program,” Wojciech shared. Because nothing says “let’s move on” like joining a dance competition when you’re freshly single.

Oh, and it gets better – Wojciech himself popped the question about his own romantic status. He, too, is riding solo after parting with the famous (and presumably equally fabulous) Natalia Głębocka. So, really, it’s a whole separation club, and I can only assume there are matching T-shirts involved.

Is There Jealousy in the Air?

Now I have to wonder, is there an undercurrent of jealousy brewing? Was Monika Kociołek pacing the floor, green with envy? It doesn’t matter; will they end up on the same dance floor, throwing shade and pirouettes like the rest of us throw shade at our exes? One can only wish!

But let’s face it, folks. In a world where our relationships are often reduced to quick swipes and social media statuses, it’s nice to see a couple admit “Hey, things didn’t work out, and sure, we had our fair share of good moments.” They aren’t throwing shade as their relationship crumbles – they’re owning it like pros attempting a group Salsa and falling squarely on their faces. And let’s not pretend we wouldn’t all hit the “like” button on that, right?


In conclusion, if there’s anything we learned today, it’s that sometimes love goes the way of the last slice of pizza: you might have loved it once, but at some point, you just need to let it go before it turns cold. So here’s to Julia and Wojciech – may you dance your way into new beginnings while Maciej practices his partner’s snub from the sidelines.

And before you leave! Don’t forget to disable AdBlock and refresh this page so that I can keep sharing this delightful combo of gossip and commentary. Let’s keep this proverbial dance floor alive! 🎉



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