The flu and covid vaccination campaign begins with 600,000 doses in Tarragona and the Ebro – El Periódico

The flu and covid vaccination campaign began this week for the general population in the province of Tarragona after two weeks being carried out in nursing homes. The health region of Terres de l’Ebre has about 157,000 doses of the two vaccines and the Camp de Tarragona with 422,000 for this campaign. In the Ebro, about 33,000 people were vaccinated last year. In Tarragona it is planned to cover 75% of people over 60 years of age. Health insists on the importance of vaccination, which has not yet returned to pre-pandemic numbers. “They are effective. They reduce the severity of the disease if we become infected and we have less risk of infecting it,” recalled the director of Health in the Ebro, Ferran Roche-Campo.

Vaccination in Terres de l’Ebre

Dr. Roche-Campo has insisted that vaccines against respiratory diseases “they are safe and effective”“make the disease milder”, and also allow the healthcare pressure to be reduced at the peaks of the epidemic. “Getting vaccinated is good for ourselves, for our family, for our co-workers and for the health system,” he stressed. The Health delegate in Terres de l’Ebre has thanked the involvement of the staff of the flu and covid vaccination campaign and also the pharmacists and their teams, who this year, for the first time, will do “an active campaign to raise awareness among the population in favor of vaccination”.

On the other hand, as detailed Cristina Sanzattached to the territorial management of Primary Care of Terres de l’Ebre, the vaccination campaign for residences also included pregnant women and from this Monday it will also be distributed to risk groups, children, and all those under 60 years of age with lung, liver, heart or immunosuppression pathologies. Health, emergency and education personnel are also included in the vaccination campaign. “We also encourage people who work on animal farms to get vaccinated, who do so little, due to the possibility of changing mutations of the virus,” Sanz concluded. The appointment to receive the vaccination can be made by phone, through the ‘La meva Salut’ application, the Health website or the primary care center.

The importance of vaccination

Sanz has acknowledged that the number of vaccinations fell after the pandemic. The percentage of vaccinations has been recovering in Terres de l’Ebre, although it has not yet reached the percentages that existed before covid. “We don’t know why it happens. People have resisted, they see it as an imposition. We meet people who are very aware and who get vaccinated every year, and people who don’t, that’s why we try from the health system to show the importance of vaccination for the common good,” Sanz recalled.

The Ebrense Health Director has made a direct mention to health professionals to get vaccinated, “because they are the gateway to the disease and the cornerstone of the system.” “If they get sick, the system will falter”he insisted. “When there was the pandemic, herd immunity was explained very well. With a very high percentage of people vaccinated, we prevented the spread of the disease. If we do not reach this percentage, we have such large flu peaks,” added Sanz.

Vaccination in Camp de Tarragona

The Camp de Tarragona health region initially has 422,000 doses of the two vaccines, both flu and covid. The Health Department intends to reach 75% coverage among those over 60 years of agehealth personnel and people in risk situations. As for pregnant women, the goal is to reach 60% and also increase the percentage of vaccinated children. Another novelty is that pharmacies will participate to reinforce coverage for people over 60 years of age. To facilitate accessibility to the service, it has been enabled a population vaccination point in Cap Llibertat de Reus.

Tarragona’s Vaccination Campaign: A Laugh and a Shot

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round! The time has come for the annual arm-poking extravaganza, also known as the flu and COVID vaccination campaign in the beautiful province of Tarragona. Kicking off this week, after a glamorous two-week gig in the nursing homes, the campaign is back in full swing! And let me tell you, it’s more popular than a cat video on the internet! With 157,000 doses in the Terres de l’Ebre region and a whopping 422,000 doses in the Camp de Tarragona, the health director Ferran Roche-Campo is lining them up like a game of Tetris!

Vaccination in Terres de l’Ebre

Dr. Roche-Campo, clearly a man who knows the power of a good shot, has been reminding us that these vaccines are not just safe and effective; they’re “make-the-flu-milder” shots that even your mum would approve of! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be less sick and create less havoc in the healthcare system? With a goal to cover 75% of folks over 60, it’s looking as prompt as a British train, albeit slightly more popular.

And I must say, hats off to the staff running around like ninjas, making sure all the vaccinations go smoothly! Although let’s be real here, if you’ve ever tried to get an appointment with the British NHS, you’d realize this process looks like a walk in the park on a sunny day. They’re also involving our local pharmacies for what they’re calling “an active campaign.” Honestly, if they get a free snack from their local pharmacy after a jab, count me in!

The Importance of Vaccination

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: vaccination hesitancy. Apparently, people are seeing this as an imposition – a bit like being forced to watch your neighbor’s cat videos on repeat. What gives? As Cristina Sanz mentioned, the drive to inform and rally the troops is on because at the end of the day, getting vaccinated is a team sport. We’re all on the same team; nobody wants to be that one guy with the flu ruining the party.

Sanz also pointed out that health professionals being hesitant is a bit like a fireman refusing to use a hose. If they go down, well, have you seen the movie “Contagion”? Just saying. Herd immunity is your friend, folks—like the friend who buys drinks when you forget your wallet. If we don’t reach that cozy vaccination number, we’re staring down the barrel of a flu season of epic proportions.

Vaccination in Camp de Tarragona

And then, we venture into the Camp de Tarragona where the plot thickens! With a staggering 422,000 doses on hand, the campaign is determined to get this thing rolling! They’re eyeing to achieve 75% coverage among seniors, because let’s face it: we’ve all heard granddad’s tales of the “good old days.” And what could be better than hearing those tales with a bit less coughing? They’re even targeting pregnant women and a host of risk groups. Talk about inclusivity! It’s like a vaccination buffet!

And just when you thought it couldn’t get easier, there’s now a vaccination point at Cap Llibertat de Reus. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Almost makes you want to book a holiday there just to get that jab. But, folks, let’s keep our eyes on the prize: community health!

So, in conclusion, folks, if you’re eligible, put down the remote, pick up the phone, and book that appointment! Because nothing says “I care about my health” quite like willingly getting injected with a magic potion that fights off diseases. Just remember, it’s less painful than a trip to the dentist and way more fun than family therapy.

Cheers to good health, folks! And remember, if you see your neighbor’s cat around, you know what to do. Vaccination—springing into action like a comedian at an open mic night!



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