Ixelles: a majority agreement concluded between the PS/Vooruit – the MR/VLD and Les Engagés, Christos Doulkeridis in opposition

Welcome to Ixelles: Where Politics are Almost as Exciting as Watching Paint Dry!

Romain De Reusme (PS) Takes the Mayor’s Crown!

In a dazzling display of political prowess, Romain De Reusme has emerged victorious as Ixelles’ new mayor. Yes, you heard it right! After a night of negotiations that probably involved enough coffee to power a small city and enough tension to fuel a soap opera, the PS-Vooruit, MR-VLD, and Les Engagés parties have decided that coalition politics is not just a sport, but an extreme sport! Cue the dramatic music!

This coalition has managed to cobble together 26 seats out of 43 in the municipal council – making them the majority! I mean, it’s almost like a game of Monopoly, but with less fun and more paperwork. As for Romain, he’ll be joined by Gautier Calomne from MR as the First Alderman (whatever that means) and Geoffroy Kensier from Les Engagés as the Second Alderman. You know, just your run-of-the-mill local government revamp that’s more thrilling than watching grass grow. Does anyone have a speed dial for the National Geographic team? They might be interested in this rare moment of political activity!

What’s on the Agenda? You Ask! (Spoiler: It’s Not Dinner Plans)

Let’s take a moment to dissect the press release like a fine piece of art, shall we? The new coalition partners have rolled out a dazzling array of priorities: making housing accessible, not raising taxes (Oh, how generous!), and improving mobility without sending everyone on a wild goose chase with their parking policies. Accessibility to housing is a big ask; it’s like expecting a cat to fetch – looks cute, but let’s be honest, it’s never going to happen.

And speaking of taxes, it seems this coalition believes they can pull off the impossible: a non-increase in taxes to ‘strengthen purchasing power.’ Now, this sounds like an episode of “The Great British Bake Off” where everyone leaves with a cake but nobody’s actually seen it being made! I’m not sure how they’re going to manage this financial sleight of hand, but I’ll be watching closely – popcorn in hand!

Cleanliness is Next to… Well, It’s Next to Something!

Next on the agenda is a structural reinforcement of public cleanliness. They even plan to meet environmental objectives by energy insulating schools and public buildings. I don’t know about you, but I can already hear the echo of students bickering over who can conserve the most energy – that’s right, it’s going to get competitive! “I’ve saved 2 watts this week!” “Ha! I reduced my shower time by 5 minutes!”

Moreover, these new local superheroes have laid out a roadmap toward making public services as accessible as grandma’s cookies after Sunday dinner. Bravo! That’s right, folks, it’s not just about being functional; it’s about making it feel like home. Just remember, Romain, with great power comes great responsibility – and hopefully, a sensible parking policy!

The In-Crowd: Who’s Who in the Mayor’s Office

Now let’s discuss the lineup of aldermen as if it were a famous rock band: Picture four liberal aldermen, two socialists, and two Les Engagés. Sounds like the kind of band that would tour local community centres, doesn’t it? The presidency of the CPAS will be assumed by the PS, while the presidency of the Municipal Council will be under the keen eye of MR. It’s a beautiful blend of political flavors, like a well-mixed cocktail that might just get a bit stir-crazy as the mandate rolls on.

Final Thoughts: Will It Be a Smooth Ride or a Bumpy Lane?

As we gear up for this exciting journey with Romain at the helm, let’s keep our fingers crossed it won’t be like a late-night infomercial promising everything yet delivering your cat a gift box on a Tuesday instead. Will this coalition actually tackle the pressing issues, or will it be more of the same old song and dance we’ve come to know and… tolerate? Only time will tell! With a new mayor in town, Ixelles is poised for a thrilling chapter – with just enough comedy to make you wonder if we’re really living in a sitcom.

Stay tuned and don’t forget to grab your popcorn; political theatre is about to unfold right before our very eyes!

Romain De Reusme (PS) will occupy the position of mayor.

The PS-Vooruit, MR-VLD and Les Engagés lists have concluded an agreement to form a coalition for the next municipal mandate in Ixelles. The agreement was reached in the early morning, after a long night of negotiations.

Romain De Reusme (PS) will occupy the position of mayor. Gautier Calomne (MR) as First Alderman and Geoffroy Kensier (Les Engagés) as Second Alderman.

SEE ALSO | Complete results in Ixelles: “I would see a majority with Les Engagés”, declares Christos Doulkeridis (Ecolo)

The majority totals 26 seats out of the 43 on the municipal council. “The new partners have agreed on numerous priorities, in particular accessibility to housing, a non-increase in taxes which weigh on the residents of Ixelles and a trajectory to allow reductions with a view to strengthening their purchasing power, a mobility which reconciles all users with an adaptation of the parking policy, a structural reinforcement of public cleanliness, meeting environmental objectives through, among other things, the energy insulation of schools and public buildings, and the accessibility of public services“, they specify in a press release.

The next College will be made up of four liberal aldermen, two socialist aldermen, two Les Engagés aldermen. The presidency of the CPAS will be assumed by the PS and the
presidency of the Municipal Council by MR.



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