In battle positions “Kasselakiki” and “Ciprikiki”

Main objective of his “87”. Alexis Tsipras is not to succeed Stefanos Kasselakis to be a candidate for the leadership and for Stefanos Kasselakis to overcome the obstacle of the Central Committee in order to have his candidacy decided at the Congress.

After the unclear stance of the Ethics Committee, which did not rule on the former MP’s request Th. Mumulidis for the deletion of Kasselakis, but gained time, the information states that the “87” will attempt with a proposal to the Central Committee and a vote to resend a request for the deletion of Kasselakis to the Ethics Committee, although it is not considered very likely that the Ethics Committee will change its position, the which is not controlled by “87”.

There is also the possibility that there will be a proposal to remove Kasselakis directly from the body of the Central Committee, although we have to see what will happen with the quorum and if the now well-known SMS, which was circulated the day before yesterday and called for abstention so that there is no quorum in the Central Committee, so even if the meeting is not held, it will have an effect.

Stefanos Kasselakis spoke of provocations and in his personal post denied that there were any initiatives to gather his supporters, but Alexis Tsipras’ “87” again accused him of Trumpian practices.

But where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Although last night Stefanos Kasselakis made a new “dribble” by withdrawing the infamous outside court, as he stated “the purpose of the extrajudicial meeting was achieved, on the one hand, with the hasty publication of the “whereabouts” of the other candidates and, on the other hand, with the explicit condemnation of the leak by P.G. of October 8, 2024″, while fiercely attacking Olga Gerovasili, who claimed that the ousted SYRIZA president spoke “about a change of state”.

From the report it follows that the attitude of the “casselistas” regarding the participation in the meeting will depend on the movements of the “87” and this means that nothing can be ruled out. From not being “present” at the meeting to being “present” to defend Stefanos Kasselakis in every way.

It should be noted that the possibility that he himself will not “attend” today’s meeting of the Central Committee has also been left open by Pavlos Polakiswith the question that arises if the MP of Chania is finally absent, what will the members of the Central Committee who support him do…

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