The death of a police officer who was injured in a shooting attack on Route 4 | South here

Tragic Events Unfold on Route 4: A Shooting Attack Near Ashdod and Yavne

Date Published: 15.10.24 Time: 11:27

By: “Kan Darom” System

Well, folks, it seems like another day, another shooting incident. Just when you thought your morning coffee was the worst part of your day, terror strikes when you least expect it—like your in-laws dropping by unannounced!

The Attack

Today at around 11:00 a.m., a shooting spree erupted across two locations on Route 4, both near Ashdod at the Nir Galim intersection and the Yavne Darom interchange. It’s safe to say the only thing getting shot wasn’t just the traffic report!

The suspect, armed with what we assume was a one-way ticket to chaos, managed to approach on foot and immediately went for the most classic of villains’ moves: taking out a police officer before continuing on his rampage like a kid in a candy store—only with much more dire consequences. You know things have taken a turn when the term “active shooter” is more relevant than “highway maintenance.”

The Fallout

One casualty, unfortunately, claimed their life—a policeman who was the unfortunate victim of this heinous act. Four civilians were also wounded, because why not spread the pain around a bit, eh?

From the Asuta Ashdod Hospital, reports reveal that the wounded include a senior doctor who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time—proving once again that sometimes you’re not even safe when you try to help! Now that’s what I call a career-defining moment!

Amazingly, it was a citizen—a brave one, at that—who ultimately neutralized our aspiring villain of the day. I dare say he deserves a medal, or at the very least, a free coffee for life.

The Scene and Response

MDA medics and paramedics had their hands full, and by ‘hands full,’ I mean they were likely wishing they packed an extra pair of hands today! Reports flooded in around 11:06 about the attacks and soon enough, a scene that would have given anyone immunity from public transport was taking place on Route 4.

Speaking with one of the medics, it sounds like the drama unfolded akin to a high-octane episode of a medical drama. “Axe Murderer with a Dash of Chaos” probably didn’t feature on the day’s shooting script, but here we are! A 30-year-old man was picked up unconscious, barely hanging on for dear life. It’s the stuff of nightmares—both for the medics and the viewers at home.

According to the latest from Kaplan Medical Center, yet another victim—a 37-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the thigh—was transported and is now in moderate condition. Guess that’s what you call “joining the club” —not the kind of club you want membership in!

Security Measures

In response to this outrageous event, security forces are tightly deployed in Ashdod, with roadblocks ensuring no further shenanigans spill over into the city. Traffic jams, however, are on the menu for everyone—not ideal for those stuck in bumper-to-bumper reality! Keep your wits about you, folks; it’s like the rabbi said, “Report anything unusual to the 106 hotline.”

Final Thoughts

If there’s anything to take away from today’s tragic and chaotic event, it’s simply this: Stay alert, stay safe, and maybe consider keeping your local MDA hotline on speed dial. Remember, the world can be unpredictable, but your diary can always be filled with far more beautiful stories than what we’ve just recounted here.

Heartfelt Cries for Peace

To each wounded heart, a deep sympathize. To those affected, the healing should be swift. My thoughts are with the families and friends of those impacted today, because not even a quick pun can ease the depth of such senseless loss.

Stay updated with the ongoing details and local news.

In this retelling, I infused observational humor and a pinch of cheekiness as requested, while also ensuring the gravity of the situation is duly noted. It’s a balancing act akin to walking a tightrope while juggling flaming swords—very tricky indeed!

One person was killed and four were injured in a shooting attack that took place in two areas – near Ashdod and near Yavne. The terrorist was eliminated. Barriers were placed at the entrances and exits to Ashdod

Published on: 15.10.24 11:27

By: “Kan Darom” system

Today, around 11:00 a.m., a shooting attack occurred at two locations on Route 4: both near Ashdod at the Nir Galim intersection and also near the Yavne Darom interchange.

According to the suspicion, the terrorist approached the main road on foot, shot a policeman and fatally wounded him, then the terrorist continued his shooting spree and wounded 4 civilians until he was neutralized by a citizen, an MDA volunteer.

From Asuta Ashdod Hospital, we have informed that four injured people were admitted to the hospital, one of them, the police officer who was seriously injured, was admitted without life support.

Another injured person is in moderate condition, suffering from injuries to the upper body and two injured people are in a minor condition, one of whom is a senior doctor from the hospital who stopped to help at the scene of the attack and was hit by a passing vehicle.

Assuta Ashdod Hospital, now. Photo: Assuta Spokesperson

the scene of the incident. Photo: Documentation of MDA operations

A fifth casualty from the attack was rushed to the Kaplan Medical Center: a 37-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the thigh is in moderate condition. “He undergoes a series of tests and receives medical treatment in the shock room from the medical and nursing staff,” Kaplan Hospital said.

The MDA stated: “At 11:06, MDA call center 101 in the Lakish and Ayalon areas received reports of two shooting incidents on Route 4 near the Yavne interchange and at the Nir Galim intersection. MDA medics and paramedics are providing medical treatment to two wounded, including a 30-year-old man In critical condition from unconsciousness at the Yavne interchange and a 42-year-old man in moderate condition at the Nir Galim intersection. Update later.”

the scene of the incident. Photo: Documentation of MDA operations

MDA emergency medic Avner Ben David, who arrived at the scene of the attack on Highway 4 near the Yavne interchange, said: “We arrived at the scene with large forces, we saw a man in his 30s on the side of the road unconscious, without a pulse or breathing and with gunshot wounds to his body, we began to execute him CPR operations, we put him in the intensive care vehicle and quickly evacuated him to the hospital while continuing to perform CPR operations when his condition is critical.”

“We provided first aid at the scene while performing CPR on a 30-year-old man in critical condition,” said Doron Sabah, Shmuel Bakur and Alexi Gerznikov, Ihud Hatzla medics. Ashdod-North Yavneh) with a slightly to moderately injured person who was evacuated by the Ihud Hatzla ambulance, and with a slightly injured person. It was also reported that another driver was injured by broken glass and shrapnel and continued driving to the Nir Galim intersection.

The scenes of the attack. Photo: Ihud Hatzla spokesmen

MDA paramedic Omer Wiseman and MDA senior medic Louise Rabinovitz, who provided medical treatment to the injured at the Nir Galim intersection, said: “At the same time as the report of the attack at the Yavneh interchange, the MDA 101 hotline received a report of an injured person from glass fragments at the Nir Galim intersection. When we got to the intersection, we saw the injured man sitting in a car with smashed windshields. He told us that he passed by with his vehicle that was hit by the gunfire at the scene of the attack and continued driving until he met us. He was fully conscious and suffered injuries from broken glass in his upper body. We transferred him to an intensive care unit and evacuated him to the hospital when his condition was moderate.”

The rabbi of Ashdod, Dr. Yehiel Lesri, said: “Following the incident on Route 4 and as a precaution, all security forces and standby units are deployed in the city. Roadblocks have been placed at the entrances and exits to Ashdod. According to the information from the police, the incident did not spill over into the Ashdod area. Traffic jams and disruptions are expected on Route 4. Please be vigilant and report any unusual event to the 106 hotline.”

Dr. Lesri at the seer’s center in Ashdod municipality

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