Hezbollah announced that it had bombed Israeli forces

“When an enemy infantry force tried to penetrate Lebanese territory” near the border village of Markaba, Hezbollah fighters targeted it “with artillery shells,” the Shiite Lebanese movement said in a statement.

He even added that his fighters fired rockets at Israeli soldiers in other border areas as well, mainly in Labuneh province, in the west.

Hezbollah warned Israel of new attacks

Lebanon’s Hezbollah threatened Israel today to launch new attacks against it if the Israeli army continues its operations in Lebanon, following yesterday’s drone strike on an army base south of Haifa that killed four Israeli soldiers and wounded more than 60 people.

It is the deadliest blow Hezbollah has unleashed against Israel since September 23, when exchanges of fire between the two sides turned into open warfare.

In a statement, the Iranian-backed Shiite movement, which is allied with the Palestinian Hamas, “promised the enemy” that the attack “south of Haifa is but a foretaste of what awaits him if he decides to continue his attack on of our people”.

The Israeli army had earlier announced that four soldiers were killed and seven soldiers were wounded at a Golani brigade training center in Binyamina, south of Haifa in northern Israel.

According to United Hatzalah, a volunteer rescue organization, more than 60 people were injured in the attack.

Hezbollah said its fighters launched a “swarm of drones with explosives” at the training center, while it dedicated the attack to the memory of its leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed on September 27 by an Israeli strike near Beirut.

In another statement today, the Shiite movement spoke of a “complicated operation”. It explained that it simultaneously launched dozens of missiles against various targets in Nahariya and Acre provinces with the aim of “de-coordinating the Israeli air defense systems”.

In this way, the drones “managed to pass unnoticed by the air defense radars and reach their target, the training center,” Hezbollah explained.

“You fight hand to hand”

Moreover, yesterday, Sunday afternoon, the Lebanese movement pointed out that it is fighting “with automatic weapons” and “rockets” against Israeli soldiers in at least four border villages and that it has ambushed soldiers who tried to infiltrate into Lebanese territory.

The Israeli army, for its part, spoke of “hand-to-hand fighting”. It also added that it had captured a Hezbollah fighter in a tunnel in southern Lebanon, the first since Israeli ground operations began on September 30.

After the Gaza Strip, Israel shifted the frontline of the war to Lebanon, saying its goal is the return of some 60,000 people displaced from northern Israel by Hezbollah’s daily rockets and missiles in a show of support. to Hamas.

In Lebanon, the Ministry of Health announced yesterday that 51 people were killed the day before by Israeli strikes, bringing the death toll since September 23 to more than 1,300, according to an AFP count. In the same period nearly 700,000 people have been displaced, according to the UN.

The official Lebanese news agency ANI reported that the Israeli air force yesterday intensified its strikes against villages in southern Lebanon after hitting a market in the town of Natabiyeh on Saturday.


Meanwhile, the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL) denounced “shocking Israeli violations” against its positions, after on Friday it spoke of “repeated” Israeli fire against it in southern Lebanon, an event that provoked strong diplomatic reactions.

According to UNIFIL, yesterday Sunday morning, two Israeli tanks “forcefully” entered one of its bases, followed by fire that “caused smoke” due to which “15 peacekeepers experienced skin irritations and gastrointestinal disorders”.

The Israeli military responded that Hezbollah fighters fired anti-tank rockets at Israeli forces, injuring 25 soldiers. The attack, the same source explained, took place very close to a UNIFIL base and a tank, which was assisting in operations to evacuate the wounded, was fired upon and reversed and fell into the UNIFIL base.

“There was no base invasion. There was no attempt to enter a base. “It was a tank that was coming under heavy fire, in a multi-casualty incident, that reversed to escape the danger,” Israeli army spokesman Nadav Shoshani said.

Earlier Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the UN to “immediately” withdraw UNIFIL from the conflict areas.

For his part, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres estimated yesterday that the “attacks” against the blue-collar workers may constitute “war crimes”.

The war in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, which was triggered by the attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, has also developed into a conflict between Iran and Israel, with Israeli leaders threatening to respond to the Iranian attack with October 1 missiles.

The Pentagon announced yesterday that it will deploy an advanced THAAD missile defense system to Israel to protect it against a possible new attack from Tehran.

Wounds against displaced persons

Meanwhile in the besieged Gaza Strip, the local civil defense announced last night that at least 15 people – “among them children” and “entire families” – were killed in the Nuseirat camp by Israeli shelling of a school that had been converted into a shelter for displaced people.

Another 50 people were injured in the attack.

The Israeli army announced that it was “looking into the information” about this attack. At the same time, early today he pointed out that he launched a strike against “a command and control center located inside the complexes where Suhandah al-Aqsa Hospital used to operate.”

A spokesman for Gaza’s civil defense said that four people were killed and many were injured in the strike. He also clarified that this was the fourth time the Israeli army launched a strike against “displaced persons inside” this hospital.

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#Hezbollah #announced #bombed #Israeli #forces



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