Auctions coming up on 33 properties for debt

In an attempt to put a brake on the accelerating rate of increase in unpaid taxes, and at the same time to send a message to defaulters, he proceeds to receive the prescribed by the Public Revenue Collection Code (KEDE) coercive measures, after previously informing the debtor by individual notification.

  • 3,829,531 natural and legal persons have open accounts with the Tax Office and of these 1,536,443 taxpayers or a percentage of 72.33% compulsory collection measures have already been taken such as confiscation of bank accounts and property auctions while 2,124,324 are at risk.

The total “disbursements” to the State exceeded 107 billion euros, of which the actual debt is estimated at approximately 81 billion euros.

Listed with new auctions starting Wednesday, October 16th all types of properties are included from maisonettes and plots to plots of land, industrial units, warehouses and parking lots with first offer prices that scale according to the type, size and area of ​​the property from 2,000 euros up to 5.6 million euros.

Among the properties auctioned in the October – December quarter, stand out:

  • Plot with building. The building is 780.9 m2, while there are also two underground parking lots of 23 spaces. The property is located in Nea Ionia. First offer price: 3,975,000 euros. The auction will take place on November 20.
  • Plot of land with an industrial facility on an area of ​​25.4 acres in the Prefecture of Viotia. First offer price: 5.6 million euros. The auction is scheduled for October 23.
  • Plot of 1.2 acres in Kastri with a house of 374.20 sq.m. First offer price: 1.43 million euros. The auction is scheduled for October 23, 2024.
  • Maisonette in Nea Erythrea 800 sq.m. comes out October 23 at auction with first bid price: 780,000 euros.
  • Plot with an apartment building in the Kalogreza refugee settlement. It consists of two floors of 119.27 sq.m. each and 209 sq.m. basement. First offer price: 570,000 euros. The auction will take place on November 20.

Based on the current legislative regime for the collection of overdue debts to the State that have not been subject to regulation, measures such as:

  • Seizure of mobile phones either in the hands of the debtor or of movables and receivables in general of the debtor that are in the hands of a third party.
  • Seizure of real estate. In addition to the aforementioned, it is possible, according to the current legislation, to take administrative, insurance and judicial measures against the debtor of the State.

Before coercive measures are taken, it is mandatory to notification by the tax administration of an individual notification debt payment, with the exception of the seizure of monetary claims in the hands of the taxpayer or a third party. It is pointed out that from the day the debtor is served with a copy of the seizure report, he is deprived of the right to freely dispose of the property.

As long as the debtor has not included his debts in a settlement program, after the lapse of forty days and no later than four months from the seizure, an auction date is set no later than five months from the date of issue of the plan.

  • However, by joining the debtor in a debt settlement program, cancellation of the auction can be achieved.

With regard to deposits in credit institutions in a single individual or joint account, they are non-seizure up to the amount of 1,250 euros per month for each natural person and in a single credit institution. The measure is applied if an electronic declaration is submitted to the information system of the tax administration with which a unique account is disclosed by the natural person. In case there is a periodic credit account for salaries, pensions and insurance benefits, only this account is disclosed.

According to the law, the tax office cannot proceed with confiscation of objects and assets that are necessary for the basic living needs of the debtor and the debtor’s family.

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