Thousands of women have been saved because they didn’t leave mammogram sms as “Read”

Her building was “painted” pink Parliament of the Hellenes and with its logo PROLAMVANO” Screening Program “Fofi Gennimata“, on the occasion of the international establishment of the month of October as a month of prevention and information about breast cancer,

This symbolic action was carried out on her initiative Deputy Minister of Health Irini Agapidakisin order for the national delegation to send a strong message of solidarity and support to women who have faced breast cancer and to their families. In addition, the goal is to encourage proper information and prevention.

The Deputy Minister of Health informed the members of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs about the course of the “Fofi Gennimata” program, which concerns breast cancer screening. This is the first preventive medicine action implemented by the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis with the use of digital tools, so that all women can do their tests easily, immediately and for free.

The Deputy Minister of Health Irini Agapidakis in her statement, she thanked the Speaker of the Parliament, Kostas Tassoulas, “for embracing the initiative for the participation of the Hellenic Parliament in the breast cancer information and prevention campaign”, as well as the MPs, “who will transfer to their regions, to all women and to all citizens the message about prevention”.

He emphasized that once the women receive the SMS with the referral, they will be able to make an appointment for a free digital mammogram at any diagnostic center they want from the list, public or private. If they do not have a physical prescription, let them go to to read the instructions, download the referral link and make an appointment.

If they don’t want to do it digitally, let them ask their doctor for the referral and book in the center of their choice.

“We want to send the message of prevention to all women, because it saves lives. So far, thousands of women have been saved because they didn’t leave the sms in “Read”. We invest in prevention in order to live many, healthy and quality years”, he emphasized.

According to official data, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death from malignant tumors in women and is the first cause of death in women aged 45 to 60 years. In our country, more than 5,000 new cases of breast cancer are registered annually.

The Parliament of the Hellenes, recognizing the key role played by information campaigns, invites all citizens to participate in this effort, motivating women to carry out the necessary examinations and to be informed about their health.

OR lighting of the building of the Greek Parliament that is visible throughout Athens offers a hopeful message to citizens, underscoring the need for unity and action in the fight against breast cancer.

#Thousands #women #saved #didnt #leave #mammogram #sms #Read



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