Cities where sewage water is made drinkable – World

Scarcity of clean drinking water is a major problem in today’s world. This issue has gripped many countries. In some underdeveloped countries, the number of people without clean drinking water is unbelievable. They have to arrange their own drinking water. In some rural areas, people travel miles to collect drinking water.

As with many other things, the concept of recycling applies to water as well. Singapore is one such city where sewage is recycled and made potable again to maintain a better drinking water supply.

Singapore is an island nation. It is a big city where there is a significant shortage of drinking water. Singapore stands out among the places where the drinking water crisis is most acute around the world.

Globally, pollution is the main problem that is causing changing weather patterns. As a result, there is a lot of drought in some places and a lot of rain in others. Some people are longing for drinking water and some people are losing their lives due to the floods.

The World Bank says that an effective solution to this problem is to make smart investments in the provision of clean drinking water and to improve wastewater disposal.

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Singapore has an extraordinary focus on ensuring the supply of clean drinking water by employing advanced methods of wastewater treatment and filtration.

The Changi Water Reclamation Plant in Singapore is the main one. It has the capacity to treat 90 crore liters of water per day. This is equivalent to the amount of water contained in 350 Olympic pools.

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