Maduro calls to strengthen Venezuela’s armed defense to deter “aggressions”

Caracas, Oct 14 (EFE).- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, called this Monday to strengthen the country’s armed defense system to deter possible attacks, something with which he linked the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform ( PUD).

In his weekly television program, the president called on the military to “improve the country’s armed defense system, so that no one – neither Colombian paramilitaries nor gringo mercenaries – can think of armed aggression or armed actions against the people.” .

Without going into details, he reiterated that violence is always “in the plans of fascism,” as he usually refers to the PUD, which denounced fraud in the July 28 elections, whose official result gave the controversial victory to Maduro.

The Chavista leader referred to the changes that he announced this day related to the members of the military leadership, among which the ratification of Vladimir Padrino as Minister of Defense, a position he has held for 10 years, stood out.

Based on these changes, he explained, the Armed Forces must “advance at accelerated steps in recovering the well-being of the military family” and “deepen and perfect the system of doctrinal, ideological and military operational training.”

Likewise, he urged to deepen “the vision” of unity between the civil, the military and the police, with the objective that the Armed Forces be “increasingly more Chavista”, despite the fact that the Constitution establishes that the institution is merely professional and without political militancy.

Maduro made these changes in the military institution a day after opposition leader María Corina Machado asked the military not to “endorse” “a regime that is on its way out,” in reference to the Government, whom, according to the former deputy, the people “defeated widely” in the elections of July 28.

In an audio published on social networks addressed to the military, the opposition indicated that, after “almost three months” of the presidential elections, “neither the CNE (National Electoral Council), nor the TSJ (Supreme Court of Justice) nor Maduro have been able to show a single piece of evidence that they won the election, because they lost it.


#Maduro #calls #strengthen #Venezuelas #armed #defense #deter #aggressions



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