when the turnaround comes” –

In recent weeks, Italy has been split in two: cold and rain in the north and anomalous heat in the south. Next weekend, however, temperatures will return to values ​​more in line with the averages for the period. And this situation will continue for at least another two weeks. As explained on the site meteogiuliacci.itespecially in the central-south, temperatures could even reach 30 degrees.

Sottocorona: Decisive change over the weekend, what happens to temperatures

All this, however, has an end date. On October 26th, in fact, there will be “the irruption of cold currents capable of causing an abrupt and widespread drop in temperatures. If this scenario were to really come true, in a large part of Italy there would suddenly be a tail of summer ahead of winter, with a sudden change in weather conditions”, explains Giuliacci.

#turnaround #Tempo



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