23% of Venezuelans in Colombia have difficulties getting a job due to their nationality

23% of Venezuelans in Colombia have difficulties getting a job due to their nationality

The Migration Pulse Survey of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) revealed that Venezuelans face numerous obstacles to integrating into the Colombian labor market due to their nationality and status.

According to the survey, published by The Impulseat least 23.6% of Venezuelans in Colombia claimed to have faced discrimination due to their nationality when looking for employment, while 48.5% indicated that the lack of legal documentation prevents them from accessing decent job opportunities.

The Venezuelan migration crisis has generated a significant impact in Colombia, where millions of citizens have sought refuge. However, the DANE survey provided alarming data on the employment situation of Venezuelans who face numerous obstacles to integrating into the Colombian labor market, with discrimination and lack of documentation being the main challenges.

Labor difficulties in Colombia

The investigation also revealed that other factors such as low remuneration, poor working conditions and lack of experience make it difficult for Venezuelans to find work. A significant percentage of migrants indicated that they do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase food and that family responsibilities limit their ability to work full time.

According to the study, 26% of migrants indicated that they find offers with low remuneration or poor working conditions, 22.6% expressed that they do not have the necessary money to purchase food, 13.4% stated that the lack of experience was a condition when being hired for a job and 8.9% expressed not knowing where to look for work.

Men have better opportunities

Other factors, such as the inability to work a full day (6.2%) and family responsibilities (2.5%), negatively affect the employment situation of dozens of Venezuelans in Colombia. Despite these difficulties, 59.6% of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia have managed to integrate into the New Granada labor market.

In this sense, the survey indicates that men have had greater luck in the workplace, with a hiring rate of 74.3%, while women have 45.2%.

It is important to highlight that, despite the difficulties, Venezuelans generate a positive impact on the Colombian economy. According to a study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Venezuelan migrants generated an economic impact of 529.1 million dollars in 2022, representing almost 2% of the country’s total tax revenue.

Puerto La Cruz / Web Editorial

#Venezuelans #Colombia #difficulties #job #due #nationality



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