Sándor Noszály was taken in by the police in Los Angeles – video

Sándor Noszály was taken in by the police in Los Angeles – video

Spiritual Knockouts and Police Encounters: The Story of Noszály

Ah, the world of boxing, where the punches are as frequent as the personalities. Our latest contender, Noszály, has certainly made headlines with his striking mix of spiritual enlightenment and heavyweight brawling. In a recent bout against the sturdy Imré Pulai, Noszály claimed victory, exclaiming, “I crumpled him under me!” And here we thought that was just how people describe their last relationship…

Vibrations or Just Really Fast Hands?

In the aftermath of his victory, Noszály confidently proclaimed that he had harnessed the power of “vibrations” to outmaneuver his opponent. After a sobering 32-hour meditation (which, if you ask me, sounds more like a Netflix binge, minus the snacks), he asserted that his chakra alignment allowed him to move faster than the eye could follow. Imagine that! A boxer who believes he’s got the speed of light because he ‘opened his head chakras.’ I mean, have you tried that in the ring? Your opponent might just think you’re having a seizure on the canvas!

From the Ring to the Police Station

However, let’s not punch ourselves too hard for laughs just yet. A day after his spiritual smackdown, he managed to find himself in a slightly less glamorous position—face-to-face with law enforcement in Los Angeles. Word on the street is that his friends were so terrified by his antics—perhaps they mistook him for a demon in a wrestling ring—that they called the cops.

Noszály confirmed his run-in with the law via a live Instagram video, undoubtedly hoping to clear things up, yet his words only tangentially delivered clarity. “Now listen! Now my karma has been fulfilled. I couldn’t just go here because, you know, I was avoiding everything. I was in the police station. I made a fool of them. Now they let me out!” The man’s charisma could sell ice to an Eskimo, but someone should remind him that self-admission into police custody isn’t exactly a badge of honor!

The Confusing Conclusion

As he wrapped things up, saying everything was “okay” and that the “whole world is ours,” one couldn’t help but feel a tad concerned. Seriously, has he taken this ‘world domination through vibrations’ thing a bit too far? “Rest in peace,” he added cheerfully—never quite convinced whether he was addressing the critics or maybe the poor soul who lost to him in the ring. But let’s face it, watching him try to sidestep his police run-in with the grace of a gazelle on roller skates was worth every second.

Noszály has indeed wrapped this chapter in a delightful package of confusion and charisma, leaving us all wondering what on Earth will come next. Honestly, he’s either a genius or needs to meditate a little less and maybe co-watch some reality TV. Either way, he’s got us talking! And one thing’s for sure; as long as he keeps mixing spirituality with boxing, he’ll always be the ‘punchline’ we didn’t see coming.

As Blikk recently reported, Noszály will be confident in a short time “he crumpled it under him” his heavyweight opponent, Imré Pulai, in the Stárbox ring. After the victory, he stated that he managed to defeat his opponent with his “vibrations”:

“I took a serious spiritual path, I opened my head chakras with a 32-hour meditation, which made me move so fast in the ring that you couldn’t even follow my hands with the eyes. Imre fell victim to my vibrations, but I wished him a good journey already in the grip, I had the power of Buddha with me!”

However, after the bravura victory, he has now shared a strange video on his social media page. Based on the information received by our editors, the athlete was taken in by the police yesterday in Los Angeles. It is understood that his acquaintances notified the authorities after finding Noszály’s behavior frightening.

The Sztárbox contestant confirmed the news live on his Instagram page that he visited the police that evening.

“Now listen! Now my karma has been fulfilled. I couldn’t just go here because I had to avoid everything, I was in the police station. I made a fool of them. Now they let me out”

– he said in the video, then added that “everything is ok”. He then resolved the tension with a joke, but did not explain exactly why he got into a confrontation with the police and what he meant by “made fools of them.”

“Everything is fine. Rest in peace. The whole world is ours. The world will smile in about 24 hours. I love everyone, let’s go, Hungarians!”

Noszály concluded the somewhat confusing video.



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