US election: How a video about tortilla chips puts Harris under pressure – KURIER

Welcome to Chip-gate: The PR Stunt Gone Awry!

Picture this: TikTok influencer Liz Plank kneeling before Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, adorned in Kamala Harris regalia, while the governor delicately places a Dorito chip on her tongue. It’s a scene straight out of a bizarre culinary opera, but instead of applause, we’ve got a political maelstrom brewing. This culinary PR stunt, meant to promote the so-called CHIPS Act—a law aimed at boosting the domestic semiconductor industry—has left many scratching their heads and some piously clutching their pearls!

When Advertising Becomes a Divine Disaster

Now, I don’t know who planned this PR campaign, but it’s safe to say they might want to re-evaluate their career choices. Because conservative Catholics in Michigan have interpreted this creative advertising as not just a faux pas, but a grave affront—akin to a tasteless parody of the Holy Communion. Yes, folks, while Whitmer aimed for pop culture gold, she may have stumbled into a spiritual battlefield!

Michigan’s Holy Communion Hotline is Blowing Up!

With over 1.1 million Catholics in Michigan—roughly a quarter of the state—this faux pas could cost the Democrats dearly in an already tight race. The last election margins were tighter than a pair of Spanx at a buffet, with Biden edging out Trump by just 154,000 votes. And now, here comes “Chip-gate”! The managing director of the Michigan Catholic Conference, Paul Long, didn’t mince words. He said, “The video is not only tasteless, but an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious people and their practices.”

It seems this video has ignited a firestorm, leading to calls for Whitmer to reflect on her ‘sensibility’ regarding the Eucharist. For those unaware, the Eucharist holds a profound spiritual meaning for Catholics. In their eyes, those little bread wafers are not just tasty snacks; they’re said to transform into the body of Christ! So when you juxtapose that with a Dorito? Well, that’s about as harmonious as cats and baths!

Whitmer’s Apology: From Chip-licking to Backpedaling

Identifier of PR blunders, Whitmer apologized faster than you can say “Holy Guacamole.” Her statement lamented the misunderstanding of her intentions. “I would never do anything to demean anyone’s faith,” she assured. But one has to wonder, if she had an extra bag of chips, would there have been any extra prayer? Because the backlash was something fierce, and not in a good way!

Trump Supporters Chip In Their Thoughts

With the “chip” controversy escalating, Trump supporters, particularly from a group called CatholicVote, took to Platform X (formally known as Twitter) to condemn the video. They declared it an obvious mockery of the holy sacrament, proving once again that in politics, if you can’t stand the heat, then maybe you should stay out of the kitchen—or at least, away from the chips!

Good Luck, Kamala — You’ll Need It!

As if the stakes weren’t already sky-high, this fiasco has added more pressure to Vice President Kamala Harris in Michigan, where polls show her neck-and-neck with Trump. On top of already struggling with the Muslim community over U.S. Gaza policy, Harris must now face the ramifications of “chip-gate” alongside her running mate. Who knew one video could turn into a political burrito of chaos?

While TikTok usually serves up dance challenges and cooking hacks, Whitmer reminds us that social media isn’t always the best platform for sacred moments—or at least not when nacho cheese is involved! Perhaps it’s time to rethink the approach and realize what’s at stake: the Holy Communion versus chips? Talk about a crunch time dilemma!

In the end, let us hope we can learn from this culinary catastrophe, even if it leaves us with an aftertaste more reminiscent of regret than that satisfying snack crunch. Because in politics, as in life, timing and delivery matter—a lesson learned the hard way at the intersection of faith and fast food.

(agencies, krb) | 14.10.2024, 15:39

Die TikTok influencer Liz Plank kneels in front of the in the short video Governor of Michigan down wearing a Kamala Harris cap. Gretchen Whitmer places a piece of Doritos chips on Plank’s tongue and looks into the camera. What as creative advertising for the so-called CHIPS Act was intended – a law to promote the domestic semiconductor industry – conservative Catholics in the important swing state understood it as a tasteless parody of the Holy Communion.

The clip, intended as a PR stunt, backfired like a boomerang and could cost Harris important votes in the state in the presidential election in three weeks. Especially among practicing believers who find the similarity of the scene in the video to the reception of the Eucharist disturbing. The more than 1.1 million Catholics make up about a quarter of the state’s population. Biden won the 2020 presidential election by 154,000 votes, after Michigan voted for Trump four years earlier.

“The video is not only tasteless,” said the managing director Michigan Catholic ConferencePaul Long, “but an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious people and their practices.”

The Michigan Catholic lay leader, who has clashed with Whitmer in the past over abortion and other controversial issues, says the incident shows that lack of sensability to religious sentiments. Especially since the Eucharist has a deep spiritual meaning for Catholics. “We believe that the hosts used for the sacrament of Communion literally transform into the body of the crucified Jesus Christ.”

Whitmer apologized for “chip-gate”

Whitmer immediately apologized for the unintentional misstep, which now haunts her as “chip-gate.” “I would never do anything to demean anyone’s faith,” the governor said in a statement to television station WJBK. She took the time to speak to the Michigan Catholic Conference. And I explained that the Action as advertising was intended for the CHIPS Act. Unfortunately, the video was interpreted as something it was never intended to be. “I apologize for that.”

Long confirmed the conversation and the governor’s apology, but stands by his criticism. “Whether or not it was intended to insult Catholics and the Eucharist, it had a hurtful effect.”

Those from supporters Donald Trumps founded organization “CatholicVote” condemned the video and accused Whitmer of having an anti-Catholic stance. A post on Platform X said the clip could hardly be interpreted in any other way “than a mockery of Catholics and the sacrament of Holy Communion.”

The president of the organization Catholic LeagueBill Donohue, echoed the same sentiment. Whitmer mocked Holy Communion. “There is no room for them to deny the obvious,” said the prominent Trump-supporting traditionalist. “What Whitmer did is political suicide.”

A spokesman for Whitmer acknowledged that the reaction to the video was unexpectedly strong. The governor has a popular one Trending on TikTok adopted in which people feed each other something. This was intended to be part of pop culture and not as a mockery of religious practices.

For Kamala Harris “Chip Gate” means an additional problem in that Swing Statein which polls show a neck-and-neck race with Trump. The Democrat also has difficulties with the Muslim community, which is heavily represented in the state. There are around a quarter of a million Muslims living in Michigan, many of whom are of Arab descent. In protest against the US government’s Gaza policy, many want to vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein or stay at home in the elections.

(agencies, krb)

14.10.2024, 15:39



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