Renzi crowns Schlein, Conte (who doesn’t want it) is furious –

Mira Brunello

October 14, 2024

“Comrade Renzi”, as his detractors now call him, suddenly made the change. As also happened to him when he announced the green light for a government with the grillini, essentially the infamous Conte 2, and sent his men to convince the recalcitrant Nicola Zingaretti, party secretary at the time, who didn’t want to hear of it. This time too, without much sophistry, he began to praise Elly Schlein, who until the day before he considered the “ruin” of the Democratic Party, a kind of “family wrecker”. Capturing a raw nerve: the wide field doesn’t need a federator, she’s already there, the aspiring director and new rapper lent to politics. It is useless to call Paolo Gentiloni or even Francesco Rutelli into question: “we centrists are with her”. Whether it is a “deal” (as he tends to credit) or an undoubted favor to the Nazarene’s tenant, in the end it is the same thing. From that moment on, her crowning as captain of the Largo Camp has no longer encountered any obstacles, not even in the rebellious Dem minority: “If Matteo says so too, we really have to hold on to it.”

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Afterwards there was a long summer of passion: rapid-fire interviews and continuous attacks on the government, in Marquis del Grillo style, “I know you and me…”. In the midst of the raging controversies, and the obstinate silences of the secretary of the Democratic Party, who chooses not to speak even when her allies lose patience. As it happened again in the last 24 hours. With the leader of the M5S thundering again: «Whether they have a plan with Renzi or not should be asked of Schlein, but it would be serious if the Democratic Party had built this plan on the head of the M5S and, I add, of Avs». Even if the disgrace that led to the end of his government naturally has a decisive weight. Conte’s discontent echoes that of the co-leader of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Angelo Bonelli: «Once the regional elections are over, a confrontation with the Pd, M5s and Calenda is inevitable for Avs, if there is any, to understand if this plan that Renzi is talking about exists. He claims that there is, someone must explain the truth to us.” Renzian Francesco Bonifazi responds in kind to the Avs exponent: «In order to have a minimum of visibility, Bonelli speaks about Renzi three times a day with the same tenacity with which he asked for a safe seat in 2018 at the Nazarene. The plan Renzi talks about is very clear: to beat Meloni.”

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Meanwhile, the former scrap dealer continues to embroider on it, exploiting the “hot” theme and at the Foglio party he reveals: «How often do we talk to Schlein? Whatever is necessary.” Too much for his always adversary, the lawyer from Volturara Appula, who after “killing” him in Liguria, is forced to cheer wildly for Andrea Orlando, and even to share the square in Genoa with Elly Schlein (on the 25th October, same date chosen by Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini to support Marco Bucci). The passage is narrow: the Five Star Movement wants to demonstrate the electoral uselessness of Italia Viva (or worse: “with them we lose 5% of our electorate”, they say) and therefore the triumph of the former PD minister is needed in every way, contrary to to what the polls estimate.
And in fact the real accounts, as Angelo Bonelli predicts, will be done after the electoral round, especially in Liguria. The room for maneuver for the Nazarene is truly limited, the secretary of the Democratic Party will be forced to speak clearly, and this time not on the Article 31 stage.

#Renzi #crowns #Schlein #Conte #doesnt #furious #Tempo



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