Why Washington has some of the richest cities in the United States

Certainly! Here’s an engaging commentary on the article that captures the comedic styles of the aforementioned personalities:

Welcome to the Land of Wealth: Washington State!

Ah, Washington state—the place where coffee flows like the Columbia River and tech giants sprout like mushrooms after a good rainfall. If you’ve ever wondered where your hard-earned cash goes, well, it’s probably being sipped at a corner café while your property taxes are soaring higher than an Amazon drone!

Cutting-Edge Industries and a Whole Lotta Dough

The article mentions a “virtuous circle”—a delightful phrase that makes us think of well-fed, happy hamsters running on their wheels, doesn’t it? But let’s be honest; the only thing spinning faster than those wheels is the dollar sign in the bank accounts of Seattle’s elite. With big players like Amazon and Boeing calling this place home, it’s no wonder they’re hoarding all the wealth! They’re practically swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck. Just watch out for the property tax shark lurking around!

The Rich List: Forbes Strikes Again

According to Forbes, out of 642 cities, there are 50 that are positively swimming in cash. I mean, they must have their swimming goggles on while counting all that money, right? But what does it take to be richer than a king? Four variables! We’re talking average household income, median home values, and property taxes that resemble someone’s college student loan—absurdly high!

Let’s Meet the Contenders!

First up, we’ve got Hunts Point, which sounds like a trendy café but is actually a small enclave with an average income of a staggering $609,224. Yes, you heard that right! If that doesn’t make you rethink your career choice, I don’t know what will. And with home values exceeding $7.36 million, I can only imagine the kind of renovations they must be doing—gold-plated faucets, perhaps?

Next is Clyde Hill. With an average income of $483,738, I bet the residents are practicing their victory dances around their homes worth $4.1 million! I mean, “Clyde Hill,” sounds like a character from a cheesy rom-com—probably the brilliant but underappreciated accountant who wins the lottery!

And don’t forget Medina, the neighbor with an average income of $439,677, where homes hit the $4.5 million mark. You know what they say, “A home is where the heart is,” but in Medina, it seems like the heart comes with a hefty mortgage!

The Bottom Line

So let’s recap: Washington state has found the secret sauce to wealth accumulation—throw in tech giants, sprinkle in high-paying jobs, and top it off with astronomical property prices and taxes. It’s like a recipe for success but requires a few extra zeroes in your bank account to taste it! In the end, while the rest of us are budgeting for that next Netflix subscription, the residents of these wealthy enclaves are probably deciding whether to buy a new yacht or a private island. Us? We’ll just take our instant coffee while watching reruns of *The Office*!

Remember, folks: riches can be just a tax bracket away, or, you know, about five degrees of separation from anyone working at Amazon! Stay savvy and caffeinated!

This commentary combines observational humor and light-hearted cheekiness in the style of Jimmy Carr, Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, and Lee Evans, while touching on the key points of the original article.

The cities that manage to attract cutting-edge industries tend to also be those that concentrate the best-paid jobs in each era and, through tax collection, guarantee the best living conditions for their inhabitants. This virtuous circle It is desired by many, but achieved by few. Washington, and particularly the Seattle metropolitan area, is a clear example of this.

A recent study of Forbesbased on data from the United States Census Bureau, analyzed 642 cities and towns in Washington to compile a list of the 50 richest.

For the analysis, four variables were considered: the average household income, the total average household income, the median home value and the median property taxes paid.

Companies like Amazon and Starbucks are just some of the luxurious headquarters that are based in this state (Source: Archive)

Forbes made the list of the richest cities and towns. According to the publication, “Being home to large companies such as Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Expedia, Nordstrom and others in the technology sector makes it not surprising that Washington state is home to a substantial amount of wealth”, which has also grown significantly in the last 30 years with the explosion of the Internet.

In this landscape of cutting-edge businesses, high-paying jobs, high household incomes, expensive housing and high property taxes, Washington’s 10 richest towns rank in the Seattle metropolitan area, crystallizing the geographical correlation of the largest bank accounts in the State.

Likewise, as additional information, Forbes points out that Each of these places has a relatively low population densityIn fact, within the list of the 50 richest, the one with the largest population is Sammamish, with only 22,258 homes.

Hunts Point

Located in King County and part of the Seattle metropolitan area, this small enclave has 136 households with a total median income of $609,224, the highest in Washington. Management occupations represent 37.7% of the workforce, followed by computing and mathematics occupations at 13.9%. Properties in this area exceed US$7.36 million and pay an average of more than US$10,000 a year in property taxes.

Clyde Hill

Located south of Hunts Point, this town has 1,156 homes and a average income of US$483,738. Jobs in professional, scientific and technical services represent 25.7% of the workforce, followed by health care and social assistance (15.7%) and finance and insurance (9.43%). Homes have an average value of $4.1 million and property taxes exceed $10,000 a year.


Also east of Seattle and bordering Hunts Point and Clyde Hill, Medina has a average household income of US$439,677. 37% of the workforce works in professional, scientific and technical services; retail trade (10.9%) and finance and insurance (9.55%). The median home value is more than $4.5 million and property taxes exceed $10,000 a year.

The average value of the home in Medina is more than US$ 4.5 million (Source: Archive)LA NACIONAccording to the criteria of



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