They agree to strengthen the economic competitiveness of MSMEs in Misiones

Asunción, IP Agency.- The Vice Ministry of Mipymes and the Government of Misiones signed an agreement to promote joint actions, in order to promote the development of entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the department, facilitate their formalization, and improve access to financing.

The document was signed by the vice minister of MSMEs, Gustavo Giménez, and the governor of Misiones, Richard Ramírez.

Both authorities agreed on an inter-institutional relationship to promote and encourage the creation, development and competitiveness of MSMEs, as well as entrepreneurs.

Likewise, this agreement seeks to provide support to micro, small and medium-sized companies for their formalization and insertion into the market; facilitate microenterprises’ access to financing, investments and credits, while promoting training, technical assistance, advice and business development.

Vice Minister Giménez said that more than 4,000 MSMEs are mapped in the department of Misiones and that thanks to initiatives such as the Zero Hunger program, a business potential of more than G. 2,500 million was generated for this sector, as well as for the family farmers.

He also highlighted the recent implementation of the basic account for MSMEs, a key tool to facilitate financial inclusion and access to credit, supported by the Paraguayan Guarantee Fund. This measure seeks to strengthen their formalization and improve their access to economic development opportunities.

He also mentioned the projects to create at least two Entrepreneur Support Centers (IncuCAE) in Misiones and the installation of a Business Development Center (SBDC), which will provide specialized assistance to more than 4,000 local MSMEs, reinforcing joint work with the Government and other key actors.

Giménez also highlighted the need to prepare for large events such as the World Rally, which is expected to attract some 350,000 people, which will require an expansion of hotel capacity. He indicated that tourism will be a key driver for the economy of Misiones and Itapúa.

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For his part, the governor of Misiones, Richard Ramírez, highlighted the importance of working together on projects such as the Zero Hunger Program and the World Rally, which generate job opportunities and have positive impacts on the entire community, with a spillover effect on the economy. of the area.

Likewise, he expressed his commitment to continue working to improve the employment situation of entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium-sized businesses, while thanking the help received from the MIC, through the Vice Ministry of MSMEs.

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