Zeenat Bibi: Journey from Forced Resignation to Award Winning

In December 2019, the news of a Peshawar journalist and human rights activist and her child started circulating on many media channels that she had been forced to resign from the institution where she was working.

Reason for resignation This journalist had to take her six-month-old child with her to work.

The name of this journalist is Zeenat Bibi. Zeenat Bibi has two children and with two children she has also won an international award.

Zeenat Bibi received the award for producing a short film titled (She Stands Against Religious Extremism).

This award was given to her by the US-based organization ‘Empowerment Women Media’.

Talking to Independent Urdu, Zeenat said that he belongs to Nowshera and has been associated with the field of journalism for the last 12-13 years.

He worked in Islamabad for some years but then came to Peshawar for another job and started living here. He also got married here.

Zeenat said that ‘women’s problems are quite high in our society, along with the problems of people belonging to religious minorities, children and transgenders are also quite high.’

She says that even when she was working with various news channels, her efforts were to work for the rights of women, minorities, children and transgenders and bring their problems to the media so that they are solved. can

He said, ‘During this time, I also created my own platform called Genderlens.pk.’

Zeenat says, ‘Regarding religious harmony, I wanted to work because I have been living in Peshawar for the last eight to ten years. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been a hotbed of religious extremism, target killing and terrorism. In this matter, the people of our religious minorities were affected a lot.

“If we look at the past, for centuries, people of religious minorities were living in peace and brotherhood in the same province, but suddenly religious extremism increased. Hatreds increased, we don’t like to sit and eat together with each other. It was all these things that compelled me to work on this topic.’

Zeenat said that he studied various religions in great detail and all religions forbid evil. Every religion preaches peace, brotherhood and religious harmony. Teaches humanity.

“My thought was that when religious teachings are giving the message of peace, why our new generation is going towards anarchy and religious extremism.”

He said, ‘My film has taken the story of a woman who has taken such a big step that she is conducting dialogues on religious harmony while living in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. That too under one roof. Be it a mosque, a temple, a gurdwara, or a church, all sit under one roof and communicate with each other and try to end their mutual animosities.

Zeenat says, ‘The purpose of making this film was to convey a positive message regarding religious freedom and harmony in the society.’

Regarding Empowerment Women Media, Zeenat said that it is an American organization. An online fellowship was conducted on his behalf. “I attended a fellowship that had over 30 women. In this we had one to two hour classes in which we learned about religious freedom, international laws in this regard, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (what is religious freedom and how religious freedom affects other elements). Told and taught.’

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It was also explained how those who do not have religious freedom may face difficulties including economic participation, psychological effects etc. and how these all fall under the category of human rights. Along with this, we were also told how to make a film. At the end of this training we had to make a short film and it was this organization that connected us to the International Religious Freedom Summit for these film competitions.’

Zeenat said that he was given this award at a function held in Islamabad under the same summit where people from various minorities working for religious harmony and religious freedom were included. Even the leadership of various minorities was there. Under this summit, celebrations are being held in various countries in which Zeenat’s film is also being screened.

Next October, an event in this regard will be held in Washington, where Zeenat’s film will be screened.

Zeenat says that she would like to give the credit of her victory to her parents and her husband who have always supported her. It is said that behind a successful man there is a woman’s hand, so behind a successful woman there is also a man’s hand. There are men in my life too, with whose support I have reached here today.’

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#Zeenat #Bibi #Journey #Forced #Resignation #Award #Winning



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