Biden’s Statement to Macron After Israel Attacks UN Peacekeeping Forces – detikNews

Western Leaders Urge Israel to Stop Attacking UN Peacekeepers

Washington DC – In a dramatic plea from the world’s more powerful nations, it seems the call for Israel to cease hostilities against United Nations peacekeeping forces is becoming a loud chorus. Yes, you heard that right! Apparently, even world leaders have their breaking points, and it’s not when somebody steals their lunch. President Joe Biden has reminded his pal in Tel Aviv that shooting at UN troops might not be the best way to win friends and influence people.

Now, let’s consider the latest UN Interim Force report, which notes that at least five soldiers got injured thanks to the Israeli military, who seemingly can’t tell their friends from their foes—at least, not in southern Lebanon. Among the injured? Two Indonesian national soldiers. Oh, brilliant way to make a statement, right? Targeting peacekeepers…that’s some *seriously* twisted logic there!

In an official statement, a representative from UNIFIL accused the Israeli military of “deliberately” shelling their positions. Who knew? They must have missed the memo that the aim is to keep the peace, not paint a target on it! Next, they’ll be making a wall mural of peacekeeping casualties; too bad there’s no prize for the worst art exhibition.

And as if the drama couldn’t escalate any further, we’ve got a whole lineup of Western leaders throwing verbal water balloons at Israel. Wait until you see who’s chiming in: Joe Biden himself. In a moment of what can only be described as classic diplomatic charm, Biden indicated that yes, he did ask Israel, in a “positive way,” to stop targeting UN peacekeepers. Because nothing screams friendship like having to officially request your buddy to stop shooting at your colleagues!

But Biden isn’t alone in this high-profile reprimand. Let’s not forget about the chic French influence! Emmanuel Macron jumped in, calling UN personnel in Lebanon “deliberately targeted”. Now, that’s as French as it gets—violations of international law met with a side of berets and baguettes because, apparently, s’il vous plaît is not as effective as it used to be.

With French indignation heating up, the French Foreign Ministry took things to the next level by summoning the Israeli Ambassador in Paris to have a little chat. Imagine that tête-à-tête! One minute, they’re sipping espresso, and the next, they’re discussing serious violations of international law. Talk about a mood shift!



So there we have it, folks! Leaders across the West have joined forces, imploring Tel Aviv to rethink its recent military strategies—because at the end of the day, we’re talking about international peacekeeping here, not an episode of a reality TV show where the contestants shoot first and ask questions later. If only world leaders were as good at negotiating peace as they are at diplomatic lip service!

Washington DC

The leaders of Western countries urged Israel to stop attacking peacekeeping forces United Nations (UN) on the Lebanese border. President United States of America (AS) Joe Biden said he had asked Tel Aviv, his ally, to stop such attacks.

Latest UN Interim Force report on Lebanonor so-called UNIFILEsaid that at least five of their soldiers were injured as a result of attacks by the Israeli military fighting against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. There were two Indonesian national soldiers (TNI) among the injured UNIFIL soldiers.

UNIFIL, in its statement, accused the Israeli military of “deliberately” shelling its troop positions in southern Lebanon.



Criticism and condemnation also rained down on Israel for the series of attacks that injured UN peacekeepers. A number of Western leaders released statements urging Tel Aviv to stop attacks on UN troops in Lebanon.

The following is a list of Western leaders who called on Israel to stop attacking UNIFIL troops, as reported AFPSunday (13/10/2024):

– US President Joe Biden

Biden said he had asked Israel, a close US ally, to stop shooting at UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

Biden made this statement when he was asked by reporters at the White House whether he had asked Tel Aviv to stop carrying out attacks that injured UN soldiers.

“Of course, in a positive way,” Biden answered simply.

– French President Emmanuel Macron

Macron, in his statement, called UN peacekeepers in Lebanon “deliberately targeted”. He insisted such things were “completely unacceptable”.

The French Foreign Ministry has summoned the Israeli Ambassador in Paris to warn that the incident that injured UN soldiers in Lebanon was a “serious violation of international law and must stop immediately”.

Read the full news on the next page.



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