The reason why vaccines to prevent dengue do not arrive at pharmacies in Mendoza – MDZ Online

The lack of availability of vaccines against him dengue in pharmacies across the country continues to raise alarm bells in the population. As the mosquito threat progresses, the number of people who want to be inoculated is growing despite the high price of the vaccine, but the challenge of getting a dose has become impossible. Why don’t the vaccines to the drugstores Mendoza?

The arrival of a party of vaccines against him dengue For last Thursday, October 10, it was the perspective of the College of Pharmacists of Mendoza. However, hope quickly faded and there is still no news on when new doses could arrive in the province’s pharmacies.

The popularization of the vaccine against dengue It arrived when the national government included it in the vaccination schedule for critical areas. In Mendozaabout 500 were placed vaccines approximately until the month of May and many of the people who were able to obtain the first dose have not been able to be fully inoculated against the dengue because they have not been able to obtain the second one.

There is no stock of dengue vaccines in drugstores and pharmacies in Mendoza. Photo: Santiago Tagua/MDZ

During the worst epidemic of dengue In the history of the country, the vaccine is not only inaccessible for the value of $90,000 each dose, with a final price of $180,000. But also because the antidote does not reach drugstores and pharmacies.

Why are there no vaccines against dengue in Mendoza?

The lack of vaccines against him dengue It is a national problem, but particularly the province of Mendoza It is not among the priorities to receive doses because it was excluded from the endemic areas of the country. The brand that is available in Argentina is Qdenga and, as only this laboratory is the one that provides doses in Argentina, at the time of distribution they prioritize the places with the highest incidence of infection.

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The doses that are produced end up in endemic areas. Photo: Shutterstock.

Miriam Buccheri, vice president of the College of Pharmacists of Mendoza He maintained that there is still no news about the arrival of a new batch of vaccines against him dengue to the drugstores in the province and there are no doses left in the pharmacies either. “There is nothing new. The doses that exist and that have left the laboratory to be distributed in the country, will always go first to the endemic areas,” he explained.

“There are none of the drugstores on the private side so they can reach the pharmacies,” Buccheri remarked. Since there is only one vaccine available, the vice president of the College of Pharmacists pointed out that “it is a problem from the laboratory onwards.”

In closing, Buccheri maintained that he does not know if the shortage corresponds to the amount of vaccines produced, if they will continue to be missing or if this problem will be solved soon. The only certainty is that “they are missing in the private part because they do not arrive,” he concluded.

Dengue Vaccines: The Great Mendoza Mystery

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around! It seems we have a mystery on our hands that even Sherlock Holmes might raise an eyebrow at. I mean, where are all the dengue vaccines hiding? You’d think they’d at least show up at the party in a sombrero and some confetti, but no, they seem to have checked in and then promptly ghosted us!

The alarm bells are ringing, and it’s not because someone’s trying to shove a jazzercise class down our throats!

The dire shortage of vaccines against dengue in pharmacies across the beautiful wine country of Mendoza is leaving a lot of concerned citizens scratching their heads—and probably swatting at imaginary mosquitoes while they do it! You’d expect to find something as critical as a dengue vaccine on the shelves alongside the cough syrups and herbal teas. But alas! It seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack: the vaccine costs about $90,000 per dose. That’s not just pricey; that’s “should-I-really-be-buying-this-instead-of-a-second-hand-car” territory!

What’s the Hold-Up?

Now, don your detective hats, folks, because the plot thickens! Apparently, the government recently *decided* that, hey, let’s include the dengue vaccine in the national vaccination schedule. Sounds great, right? Except it looks like Mendoza got the short end of the stick. It’s been reported that they didn’t even make the priority list. How does that work? Is Mendoza that friend who always gets left out of the group chat?

Miriam Buccheri, vice president of the College of Pharmacists of Mendoza, has confirmed that new doses of the vaccine seem to be in no rush to arrive. She made it clear: “There is nothing new.” Come on, Miriam! You could at least pretend to be hopeful! The *vaccines will always go first to the endemic areas,* which is like saying the good snacks only go to the people with the highest risk of hunger. Except this is a life-or-death situation. Quite the letdown if you ask me!

So when can our Mendoza friends expect a glimmer of hope?

Right now, they’re stuck waiting for the vaccine fairy to do their rounds. Understandably, as the situation escalates—because you know, dengue might be the worst epidemic the country has faced—they’re left with sass and frustration instead of a syringe! Wouldn’t it just be grand if we could magically conjure up vaccines like a rabbit from a magician’s hat? Instead, our poor friends are left waiting while the rest of the country gets first dibs.

And let’s be real, the last thing anyone wants is to be caught in a mosquito buffet because someone else got the last dose of the vaccine! If this keeps up, we might just have to start holding *mosquito awareness rallies*. But seriously, let’s ensure folks in Mendoza get the help they need before it’s too late. It’s high time that the vaccine distribution system gets revamped, or at the very least, someone should make an angry TikTok about it!

Final Thoughts: This shortage of vaccines in Mendoza isn’t just a problem for the province; no, it’s a national conundrum. The sooner that the powers that be take notice, the better. But until then, folks will just have to stay on their toes, swatting all those pesky mosquitoes until the vaccine fairy—or whoever’s in charge here—decides to do something about it. Cheers, and stay safe out there!



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