Embezzlement at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: the current director of the Faucons Rouges, PS candidate in Seneffe, indicted by the investigating judge

The Red Falcons Fly into Controversy

Well, well, well, grab your popcorn, folks, because it looks like the Red Falcons have fluttered right into the middle of a storm, and it’s not just a light drizzle; we’re talking tempest-level drama! After a series of investigations that can rival any true-crime podcast episode, four individuals were initially nabbed, but it seems two managed to sidestep the whole fiasco like seasoned greasy politicians. Out of the culprits, two are humming a plucky tune, and they’re not exactly choir boys—they’re straight from the gloriously named Red Falcons! Sounds like a sports team ready to take on the world, right? More like a team tackling their own financial mismanagement!

The Players in the Scandal

According to the esteemed Catherine Collignon, the first substitute for the Liège public prosecutor’s office—because who doesn’t love a good substitute story in sports and politics?—it appears that among the detainees, two are from the Red Falcons’ nest. It’s like a scene straight out of a low-budget political drama: a 1967 model and a 1969 edition both hailing from the charming towns of Seneffe and Nivelles! What is it about ages that end in ‘-7’ that makes it sound like they’re about to tell their ‘back in my day’ tales?

Michaël Carpin: The Man with a Plan (and a Lawyer)

Enter stage left–Michaël Carpin, the current head honcho of the Red Falcons. Now, wait for it—Michaël is also the one who raised the alarm on financial shenanigans within his own organization. Talk about a plot twist! “He’s shocked but combative,” says his lawyer, Maxim Töller, which is a lawyerly way of saying, “Prepare for a legal smackdown, ladies and gents!”

Carpin now finds himself not only dealing with legal repercussions but also trying to juggle his responsibilities as a candidate for the local municipal elections. Ah yes, nothing says “vote for me” quite like being embroiled in an embezzlement affair! Perhaps he’ll spin it as a “cautionary tale” about the dangers of financial misconduct? There’s nothing quite like getting voters on your side by being the embodiment of everything they’re afraid of. Is that what they mean by “authenticity” in politics these days?

Political Fallout and Consequences

The drama escalated further when the PS party decided to suspend the candidate. It’s as if they looked around, assessed the situation, and thought, “Eh, maybe we don’t want to be associated with the guy who sounds like he just walked out of a police lineup.” Suspension from a party during an election cycle? That’s like getting a participation trophy while being sent to the back of the classroom!

But let’s not forget the overarching takeaway from this scandal—the intertwining of community-centric non-profits and local politics. It’s a classic recipe for messiness that we’ve seen time and time again: mix some funds with a dash of ambition, sprinkle in a few questionable decisions, and voilà! You have a hearty pot of scandal stew served with a side of public outrage.

What’s Next for Carpin and the Red Falcons?

The big question now rests on our yet-to-be-determined protagonist: Michaël Carpin. As he focuses on his personal priorities—read: hoping to dodge public scrutiny while dealing with the fallout from this affair—let’s not forget that he’s pledged to cooperate with authorities. One can only wonder if his cooperation will turn him into a whistleblower or reinforce his role as one of the ‘bad guys’ in this tragic comedy. One thing is for sure: everyone loves a comeback story, but first, he’ll have to weather the storm of his own making.

So, stay tuned, folks! In a world filled with political melodrama, the Red Falcons saga promises to keep us entertained. Will Carpin take flight, or will he discover that some nests are better left untended? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, pop those corn kernels, because this show is just getting started!

Following searches carried out by investigators, of the four people arrested, two were released. “There is a member of the Red Falcons who was released as well as the member who belongs to the Wallonia-Brussels Federation“, explains Catherine Collignon, first substitute for the Liège public prosecutor’s office. “The two people who were referred are members of the Red Falcons“, specifies the magistrate who adds that these are people”which come from Seneffe and Nivelles“. One was born in 1967 and the other in 1969.

One of these two people is the current director of the Faucons Rouges, Michaël Carpin, who, according to our information, is the one who alerted the judicial authorities about the financial management of his non-profit organization. “He is extremely shocked, but he is combative. He intends to demonstrate that he has done everything possible; he is still the one who denounces the initial facts to the police and the investigating judge. He will now focus on his personal priorities, his family in particular, and on his political choices which are completely independent of the non-profit organization Les Faucons Rouges. He is at the disposal of justice if there is the slightest question or request for additional information.“, explains Maxim Töller, Michael Carpin’s lawyer.

Michaël Carpin is, moreover, head of the PS list for the municipal elections in his commune of Seneffe, which gives a political dimension to this embezzlement affair. Thursday evening, the PS decided to suspend the candidate.



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