Consult, Donzelli rejects the left’s attack. And there is the hypothesis of a postponement to December –

«We move forward thinking of the good of Italy, with the awareness that for the shares that belong to the majority we don’t let them tell us who we have to choose…». The day after yet another black smoke, the eighth, of the Parliament in joint session for the election of the judge of the Constitutional Court, Fratelli d’Italia does not want to play the part of irresponsible, even in front of the Hill. Giovanni Donzelli, head of organization of the party in via della Scrofa, which sponsored the current legal advisor of Palazzo Chigi, Francesco Saverio Marini, to the Consulta, rejects the opposition’s criticisms and attacks: «The madness of whoever you nominate must think of it as not us.”

Video on this topic

In response, the Democratic Party, through its secretary, Elly Schlein, returns to the attack by speaking to reporters in the Chamber on the sidelines of the explanations of vote on the Labor bill: «Yesterday too you showed your proprietary conception of the institutions, your annoyance for those constitutional guarantees that are there to protect citizens, but we have stopped you and we will stop you again…”. In short, the climate between the two poles remains incandescent and this does not bode well for a possible agreement on the name to be sent to the Consulta either next week or in November. So much so that in Transatlantico, in Montecitorio, many are wondering whether it would not be better to postpone everything until December, so as to elect four judges together and close a ‘package’ of appointments, given that at the end of the year three other members of the Constitutional Court will conclude their mandate: president Augusto Barbera, Giulio Prosperetti and Franco Modugno. By taking time, they say, the situation would be allowed to settle and the Marini card would have another chance to be played (thanks to the blank card the jurist was not formally burned), even if few are now betting on his re-nomination, even within the same majority.

Consult, the left boycotts the election. Cassese: Experience teaches us something

Meanwhile, they say, in the centre-right they are already thinking about other candidacies (the discriminating factor is the ‘titles’ to run for the seat of the Consulta) and Forza Italia (which at the same time is playing another very open game, the one on Rai, focusing on Simona Agnes ) could field a strong name of its own: among the eligible candidates there would be senator Pierantonio Zanettin, a lawyer from Vicenza and former member of the CSM and the deputy Paolo Sisto, current deputy minister of Justice, but there are those who say that the former could also emerge magistrate, the MEP Caterina Chinnici (daughter of Rocco, who created the Anti-Mafia pool and was killed by Cosa Nostra in ’83).

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