Who is Diego Lazzari, singer of Amici 24 | Radio Deejay

Diego Lazzari at Amici 24: The Rise of a TikTok Sensation

Ah, Diego Lazzari! The man who’s turned the phrase “famous for being famous” into an art form. A mere mortal who transitioned from the glitzy world of TikTok into the enchanting realm of Amici 24—because why not leap from lip-syncing to serenading? This Roman siren (class of 2000, I might add) is already making waves amongst the talent show crowd. It’s quite impressive when you realize he’s not just singing; he also has the charisma of a content creator aiming to sell you the latest pair of overpriced trainers. Did I mention he’s 23? Just a baby in the game!

Diego didn’t just waltz into Amici 24 with his singing voice, oh no! He came with a whole social media following that many in the industry can only dream of. Criticism? Of course! You can’t be a rising star without some disgruntled keyboard warriors claiming that he’s merely riding the coattails of his TikTok fame. It’s like being in the Olympics and having people say, “Well, couldn’t you just clap from the sidelines?” But hey, what’s the point of being a social media sensation if you can’t throw a bit of glitter in the world of music?

Who is Diego Lazzari, the TikTok Prince?

Born on November 14, 2000, Diego is a true product of the digital age. He burst onto the scene in 2016 with a YouTube channel (remember those awkward days of YouTube before TikTok took over?), and while things were slow at first, he hit the jackpot with TikTok. Alongside his mates, they formed the Q4 crew—a name that sounds more like a boyband than a social media collective—and dabbled in American formats. Apparently, singing is the new black, or maybe it’s the new ‘like and subscribe’?

His rise didn’t just stop at lip-syncing; he even released a book titled Brothers by Chance, which suspiciously hit the charts faster than a cat video goes viral. Rumors swirled that esteemed Italian writer Walter Siti lent a hand, giving it that literary stamp of approval like “Yes, I’d let my mom read this!” But c’mon, 11,000 copies sold? That’s more than some authors will see in a lifetime. He’s like the renaissance man of social media—if Michelangelo had an Instagram account and a book club.

Then came the pivotal moment. March to April 2020 saw Diego unveil his secret passion for singing. I mean, what else do you do during a global pandemic? Bake bread? No. You sing your heart out to your social media followers while dodging accusations that you can only get this far because you already had a platform. Can someone hand him a microphone already?

Diego Lazzari: Love in the Time of TikTok

Now, speaking of love—don’t think this emerging pop star is flying solo in the media whirlwind. His girlfriend, Camilla De Pandis, also known as the “Queen of TikTok,” has been cheering him on like a true partner in crime. Her Instagram is a flurry of supportive posts, all with the kind of enthusiasm you only see when someone has just won a puppy. “You did great, my darling!” she exclaims and, honestly, if that doesn’t warm your heart, I don’t know what will. Is there a Pulitzer for most supportive girlfriend yet?

Let’s wrap this all up like the sweet bow on a gift you didn’t ask for: Diego Lazzari is a character and a half, strutting through Amici 24 armed with a loyal social media squad, a budding music career, and a girlfriend who’s got his back like a well-fitted suit. The blend of social media influence and sheer talent is a recipe that keeps us tuning in with bated breath, curious to see what spectacle will unfold next. And to all the critics out there, remember: it’s not favoritism; it’s just the universe endorsing the next big thing. Who’s going to stop it? Not me, I’m too busy watching!

The above piece captures the cheeky and observational tone of the comedians you wanted to channel. It’s engaging, full of personality, and maintains a conversational style while providing detailed information about Diego Lazzari and his journey on Amici 24. Enjoy the read!

Diego Lazzari at Amici 24

Among the protagonists of Amici 24 there is Diego Lazzaria competitor in the singing category who immediately established himself with his talent and impressed the audience. A young Roman singer, he initially made his name as a content creator on TikTok and a model for well-known fashion brands. before trying to join Maria De Filippi’s talent show.

Precisely for this reason, criticism and accusations of favoritism have started online given the success already gained on social media. In fact, his journey into the world of music also began well before Amici 24when he released the song in 2020 Come get me.

Despite his social media background, Diego convinced Rudy Zerbi, one of the professors of Amiciwho decided to focus on his potential and his artistic growth within the talent.

With a past in which he has already demonstrated his skills as a performer and a strong presence on social media, Diego Lazzari he is certainly one of the most followed and talked about competitors of this edition.

Who is Diego Lazzari, on Amici 24

Class of 2000, Diego Lazzari was born in Rome on November 14th and began to get noticed on the web in 2016. Together with his friend and content creator Emanuele Giaccari, he launched his first YouTube channel, even if his popularity exploded with the transition to TikTok. With friends Tancredi Galli, Gianmarco Rottaro and Giaccari himself they form the Q4 crew, one of the first to experiment with American formats such as the Chill House, which made them famous among young people.

During this period, Diego and his friends also write a book, Brothers by chancewhich immediately climbs the charts throughout Italy. Some suspected that behind the text there was the hand of the famous Italian writer and winner of the 2013 Strega Prize, Walter Siti, something subsequently confirmed by the boys. Despite the criticism, the book sold over 11,000 copies in just a few weeks, surpassing renowned authors such as Carlo Rovelli and Sandro Veronesi.

The decisive moment for Diego Lazzari it is between March and April 2020, when he begins to reveal to his audience a passion he has cultivated for some time: singing. In the meantime, he completed his high school studies after withdrawing from the ITC Lucio Lombardo Radice in the fourth year. Today, in addition to its presence on Instagram and TikTok, Diego Lazzari continues to explore the world of music and participation in Amici 24 it is another piece added to his career.

Diego Lazzari, who is the girlfriend

Diego Lazzari he is also widely followed due to his relationship with the TikToker Camilla De Pandis. In fact, the two share many moments together, both being very active on social media. For its part, the fiancée of the singer openly expressed his enthusiasm for the debut of Diego Ad Amici 24declaring herself proud and proud of him. In a post he writes:

You did great my darling, I couldn’t be more proud. I love you and for me you will always be the most beautiful and talented in the world. I will always root for you!

In another post, he thanked the fiancé for the love he shows her and for helping her feel important and confident. She added how much she misses him and how proud she is of him, promising to always stay by his side every step of the way:

I miss you more and more, but I’m so happy and proud of everything you’re doing. I love you little one, I’ll wait for you at home.



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