Religious Affairs Ministry clarifies misconception of marriage rule

Indonesia’s Marriage Regulations Clarified: No Ban on Weekend Weddings!

Well, well, well! Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs has stepped in to clarify something that’s been making waves across social media—no one is going to imprison your wedding plans! Can you believe it? The response comes after people got a tad carried away with the speculation about Regulation No 22 of 2024, claiming you couldn’t tie the knot outside a KUA (that’s a fancy abbreviation for the marriage registration office) on weekends or holidays. Oh dear, sounds like the plot of some dour rom-com, doesn’t it?

Spokesperson Anna Hasbie took to the podium—fiery, passionate, probably holding a rainbow cake—and assured everyone that there’s indeed no such policy out there laying down the law on when you can or cannot say “I do.” Talk about putting the “happily ever after” back in “you can do this any day!” Now, that’s a headline worthy of a wedding toast.

Bureaucracy Never Looked So Blissful!

So, just for a bit of clarity—because apparently, clarity has been on holiday, too—Hasbie explained that the KUA operates primarily from Monday to Friday during working hours. But if love knows no time, why should bureaucracy? Marriage officiants can show up anywhere outside the KUA to make your matrimony dreams come true. A wedding in your living room? Sure! A ceremony in a house of worship? Absolutely! Even a wild event in your favorite coffee shop? That’s a double shot of love!

However, it’s crucial to mention that the Saturday and Sunday “time-outs” only apply to the KUA staff—and not the other marriage registrars. So, if you’ve got a romantic evening planned, fear not! Just make sure to grab someone with a certificate who knows their way around marriage vows. And if it has to be said, avoid the neighbor who moonlights as an officiant after a few drinks—let’s keep that ‘I do’ tsunami-free!

Going the Extra Mile

Hasbie is also keen to ensure that the public isn’t misreading the fine print—because let’s be honest, how many of us have seen that one late-night infomercial promising eternal happiness that we totally believed? “We are committed to providing the best services for marriage registration,” she stated, a promising sign of government bodies trying to leap into the 21st century. Kudos, Anna!

She even hinted at the possibility of pumping more information out there regarding the Ministerial Regulation No 22 of 2024—because apparently, clarity is a lot easier when it’s blasted across all possible platforms. If only we could get the same dedication to sending out reminders about husbands leaving the toilet seat up.

Final Thoughts: Love Is In The Air – And Every Day!

In conclusion, folks, it’s time to put those delightful wedding plans back on the calendar. You can celebrate your love however and whenever you want! Whether it’s a quiet Thursday evening in your garden or a lavish weekend bash, love is never confined to weekdays. Just make sure you’ve got the proper paperwork and a good officiant in tow—because nothing puts a damper on a wedding like a last-minute trip to the KUA. So get planning, go out and engage in that beautiful tradition of marriage, and may your love be like the best cake: layers upon layers of sweetness!



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