Sorry iPhone & Samsung Missing, This is the Number 1 Cellphone in Indonesia – CNBC Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Brands from China dominate the Indonesian cellphone market. This is known from Canalys’ latest report for the 2nd quarter of 2024.

Reports say that the ‘Top 5’ best-selling cellphones in Indonesia come from seasoned brands, namely Xiaomi and Oppo.

According to Canalys’ records, the growth of the five brands was also positive. However, there was a change in position. Oppo, which previously dominated the Indonesian smartphone market, had to shift to 2nd position. Growth was 8% YoY with a market share of 19%.

The new smartphone king in Indonesia is occupied by Xiaomi. Xiaomi recorded significant growth of 48% yoy with a market share of 20%.

Earlier this year, Xiaomi released a portfolio of mid-range to low-end smartphones. For example, the Redmi Note 13 series carries 5 variants at once.

Masing-masing Redmi Note 13 4G, Redmi Note 13 5G, Redmi Note 13 Pro 4G, Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G, dan Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 5G.

Meanwhile in 3rd position, there is Vivo with growth of 18% yoy and a market share of 18%. Meanwhile, Samsung rose to 4th position with growth of 10% yoy and a market share of 18%.

Finally, Transsion, which oversees the Infinix, Tecno and iTel brands, is in 5th position with growth of 25% yoy and a market share of 15%.


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Next Article Starting from IDR 2 million, the Redmi Note 13 Series comes more economically

The Takeover: Xiaomi and the Smartphone Mood Swings in Indonesia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Well, folks, hold onto your mobile devices because the Indonesia smartphone market has just been rocked harder than a bad hair day for Lee Evans! Recent reports from Canalys for the second quarter of 2024 reveal that Chinese brands are absolutely dominating the race. If you thought smartphones were just about making calls and checking social media, clearly you don’t have one of the good ones!

A Game of Thrones in Smartphones

So, the big news? The ‘Top 5’ best-selling smartphones in Indonesia are led by none other than the heavyweight champion of the budget-friendly brigade—Xiaomi! With a jaw-dropping growth of 48% year-on-year, they’ve snatched the throne with a 20% market share. It seems more and more people are opting for the ridiculously affordable options rather than emptying their pockets for that shiny Apple! Sorry, Tim Cook!

But wait, there’s a plot twist worthy of a Ricky Gervais roast! Oppo, which previously reigned supreme like a king on a throne of gold, has slipped down to the 2nd position, with its market share now at 19%, growing just 8% YoY. Talk about a smartphone soap opera! Note to Oppo: a handsome prince doesn’t stay a prince for long if he forgets to charm the fans.

The New Kings of the Jungle

Let’s not forget about Vivo, lounging in 3rd place with a respectable 18% market share and growth of 18% YoY. It’s like they’re saying, “We may not be first, but we’re still on the podium…with snacks!” Samsung, the granddaddy of them all, has made a comeback to 4th place with a cozy 18% market share and a growth of 10%. Manufacturers must really get their calculators out every quarterly report! And then there’s Transsion, marketing its Infinix, Tecno, and iTel brands while enjoying a 25% growth YoY and clinching the 5th position with a market share of 15%. It’s like the underdog story that nobody saw coming—cue the inspirational music!

More Choices than You Can Shake a Stick At

So what’s moving the needle? Earlier this year, Xiaomi unleashed its Redmi Note 13 series—a lineup so extensive, it’s almost like trying to order coffee at a hipster café—Redmi Note 13 4G, 5G, Pro 4G, Pro 5G, and the fancily-named Pro Plus 5G. Who knew buying a phone could feel like enrolling in a tech university?

And just to keep things extra exciting, you can grab these beauties starting from IDR 2 million! Honestly, at these prices, I’d expect the smartphones to make me breakfast in the morning! Or better yet, brew a mean latte! Now, lest we forget, the consumer view is incredibly important here. It’s not always about the specs or the price. Sometimes it’s just about who can make the fanciest TikTok videos!

Just remember, folks, whether you’re team Xiaomi, Oppo, or Samsung, there’s enough chaos in the smartphone world to keep us entertained for eons. And who knows? In a few months, there might be yet another dramatic shake-up—it’s like reality TV, and I’m here for it!

So, what’s your pick? Which one of these smartphone contenders will capture your heart…and wallet? Let us know in the comments below!


Watch the video below:

Video: Anticipating Disease Risk Through AI Technology in DNA Testing Services



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