Heavy rain: Eight dead in storm in Brazil | News – BILD.de

Heavy rain: Eight dead in storm in Brazil | News – BILD.de

Heavy Rain, Power Outages, and The Great Brazilian Splash

So, let’s talk about Brazil—land of carnival, samba, and a state of emergency due to what can only be
described as a biblical deluge! Yes, folks, it’s raining cats and dogs out there. And by that, I mean
with the ferocity of a Whoopi Goldberg comedy special. According to our friends at Inmet, the national
meteorological institute, some regions are getting up to 100 liters of rain per square meter in just
one day. I don’t know about you, but that sounds less like rain and more like a wrestling match between
Poseidon and Thor!

Tragedy Mixed With Chaos: The Numbers Don’t Lie

In São Paulo, Brazil’s most populous state, seven people have sadly lost their lives. All this due
to Mother Nature reminding us who’s really in charge, with falling trees and collapsing walls doing
their best impersonation of a horror movie. Imagine sitting down for a nice meal and suddenly
experiencing a “wall of death” moment. Talk about a bad dining experience!

Where’s the Power? And the Water? A Dystopian Novel Unfolds

In São Paulo, power outages are painting the city in darkness, affecting at least 1.6 million households.
That’s right—1.6 million! And I guess the energy provider, Enel, is out there playing a game of
“How Low Can You Go” with the power grid. People are expressing their frustration online, firing off
tweets like, “If only I could tweet in the dark!” Well, here’s a light bulb moment—perhaps invest in some
candles? Just a suggestion! Not too much to ask for in a city where the electricity is experiencing
more hiccups than a toddler after a sugar rush.

As if that wasn’t enough, people are also complaining about the water supply being affected. Imagine
stepping into your bathroom only to discover it looks like a desert oasis rather than a refreshing
escape! “Ah yes,” they must say, “The famed Brazilian shower—now with added dryness!”

A Soldier’s Fateful Encounter with a Tree

Tragically, in the capital Brasília, a soldier was killed by—you guessed it—a falling tree. Now
there’s a weaponization of nature we didn’t see coming! Imagine that soldier’s last words: “Okay,
but I’m just going to stand under this leafy giant for protection…” I suppose nature has a sense
of humor after all!

First Drought, Now Deluge: Mother Nature’s Mood Swings

But let’s not forget that these torrential rains follow one of the worst droughts Brazil has seen in
history. A drought that had deprived the land of a decent rainfall for over 165 days. It’s like
Brazil’s weather took a roller coaster ride and forgot to get off! Forest fires were blazing while
the skies were dry, burning 22.38 million hectares of land this year alone. That’s more than three
times the size of Bavaria—talk about a bonfire!

The Amazon: Nature’s Stoic Survivor

And let’s not forget its impact on the Amazon region, where the fires have been making more headlines
than a celebrity scandal. More than half of that scorched area was located in the Amazon. Who knew
that trees could get the flu from falling and also catch fire? The irony is more palpable than an
awkward family reunion!

So, here we are, navigating this exhilarating ride of nature’s mood swings. Whether you’re dealing
with an existential crisis involving a lack of water or creating an impromptu urban swimming pool,
remember this: at least the sun will come out eventually… unless, of course, it’s busy binge-watching
with all that rain! Stay safe out there, Brazil!

Heavy rain, power outages, deaths: there is a state of emergency in parts of Brazil.

In several regions in the center and southeast, up to 100 liters of rain per square meter fell in one day, the national meteorological institute Inmet said on Saturday. There were also storms and hail.

▶︎ In the most populous Brazilian state of São Paulo, a total of seven people died, mostly from falling trees and collapsing walls. This was announced by the local civil protection authority.

No water and no electricity in São Paulo

According to the energy supplier “Enel”, there was a power outage in at least 1.6 million households. A large part of the economic metropolis was therefore in the dark. Several kilometers of the power grid as well as other energy infrastructure such as transformers would have to be repaired. When the electricity will flow again is uncertain. Those affected complain online and post clips in complete darkness.

The water supply in São Paulo is also affected.

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▶︎ In the capital Brasília, a soldier was killed by a falling tree, the regional military command announced. Another soldier was injured in the incident.

In Parliament on Friday, MPs had to open umbrellas in the middle of the session because water was coming through the ceiling, as images circulated in the media (including “CNN Brasil”) and online networks show.

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Severe drought hits Brazil

Die heavy rains follow one of the worst droughts in Brazil since weather records began, which brought numerous forest fires. In Brasília, for example, it had not rained for more than 165 days.

As the climate initiative “MapBiomas” averages, 22.38 million hectares of land have burned in Brazil so far this year – that’s more than three times the size of Bavaria. More than half of the area burned was in the Amazon region.



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