This is La Casa de Toño without waiters that sparked controversy on the networks

La Casa de Toño: From Comfort Food to DIY Dining – A Recipe for Controversy!

Ah, La Casa de Toño! The beloved restaurant chain that brought pozole and chilaquiles into our hearts and stomachs has decided to upgrade their game. That’s right, they’ve just rolled out a shiny new self-service concept in Plaza Oriente, Iztapalapa. Because who doesn’t want to feel more like an unpaid intern while trying to enjoy a bowl of comfort food? Forget the charming waiter who remembers your order; now you get a beeper and a dash of self-sufficiency!

But wait! Before we dive headfirst into that delightful bowl of pozole, let’s sprinkle some controversy onto the top, shall we? This new self-service strategy isn’t only about convenience; it’s also stirring the pot with accusations of labor exploitation. I mean, when your restaurant’s dinner and a show include TikTok videos of former employees detailing working conditions that sound like they’ve come straight off a reality show set called *Undercover Boss: Nightmare Edition*, you might want to reconsider your business model.

So here’s how it works: you waltz into the new branch, place your order, pay upfront—because why let good food distract you from parting with your cash?—and then wait for your beeper to light up like a Christmas tree! You can either gobble it up on-site or take it home. But just like the show *Survivor*, there’s one more twist: the allegations from former staff paint a rather grim picture. Stories of grueling shifts, mysterious payroll deductions (I peeked under my tray and found 15 pesos missing for a lemon drop incident), and sheer stress radiating from the fear of messing up orders. It’s like a game of *Whack-a-Mole*, but instead of moles, it’s your sanity! And that’s just on a Monday after brunch!

A TikTok user going by @ElMesero13 managed to pin down reality in the restaurant, stating that while the pay might be slightly better than minimum wage, it’s hardly worth the trauma. #LaCasaDeToñoCDMX is buzzing with posts alerting potential customers to what some are dubbing ‘a workplace horror story’. Just think of it: you hope for delicious food but find yourself tangled in a web of ethical dilemmas.

This tantrum in tortas isn’t going unnoticed. Customers are ruffling their feathers online, some yearning for the waiter-aided days where you didn’t have to channel your inner waiter-cum-MacGyver just to eat a meal in peace. “A cold, plastic pozole is not what I expected,” lamented one diner. Because when you want authenticity, you don’t want a beeper that sounds far too much like a microwave timer!

Now, of course, humor tends to find a way to sizzle through the criticism. Some netizens have cheekily dubbed the new format “McToño”, because who doesn’t appreciate a little fast food branding with their traditional fare? “Would you like fries with that flauta?” Seriously, that’s the spirit of satire: mixing cultures, mocking the mundane, and getting a delicious dish while you’re at it.

Despite the uproar, La Casa de Toño remains maddeningly quiet on the issues raised. No public reaction, no acknowledgment of the complaints—just the sound of crickets and the beeping of those beepers that the customers are now chucking at their dinner plates in protest. As customers digest this new self-service model (no pun intended), one can’t help but wonder: has La Casa de Toño, the culinary love letter to Mexican comfort food, just undergone a regrettable makeover? Are we witnessing the end of an era where warmth and hospitality brought us together over steaming bowls, only to be replaced by a sterile, soulless fast-food experience?

The jury’s still out, folks. Or in this case, the tray’s still being fought over! Let’s just hope that this new self-service trend doesn’t turn your favorite pozole into a cold institutional meal. Bon appétit… if you dare!

La Casa de Toño, an emblematic restaurant chain in Mexico City, has launched its first branch under an innovative self-service concept in Plaza Oriente, located in the Iztapalapa mayor’s office.

This change in their business model allows diners to place their orders, pick up their food and dispose of waste without the assistance of servers. However, this new strategy has generated controversy, not only because of the new system, but also because of the shadow of accusations of labor exploitation that have haunted the company since the end of 2023.

La Casa de Toño, an emblematic restaurant chain in Mexico City, has launched its first branch under an innovative self-service concept in Plaza Oriente. Photo: Screen shot in X

At the Plaza Oriente branch, the process is simple: customers place their orders and pay before picking up their food at the counter. This system is similar to that of fast food chains and offers a menu that includes house classics such as pozole, chilaquiles and flautas. Diners receive a beeper that notifies them when their order is ready, allowing them to enjoy their food at the premises or take it home.

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The new model of La Casa de Toño has sparked a wave of reactions on social networks, especially on TikTok, where testimonies from former employees have begun to circulate. The stories reveal grueling work days, arbitrary payroll deductions, and harsh working conditions. An anonymous testimony describes an experience in which he was deducted 15 pesos for a dropped tray of lemons, and emphasizes the fear that employees feel about the possibility of errors in orders.}

Another former employee, known as @ElMesero13, confirms these complaints, pointing to a work environment where exploitation is tolerated for a salary that, although better than other offers, is still insufficient. TikTok has become a space for active reporting, with the hashtag #LaCasaDeToñoCDMX full of complaints about the work culture within the chain, where a questionable slogan suggests that working under these conditions is preferable to being unemployed.

Despite the criticism, La Casa de Toño has made no official statements regarding these accusations, which has led customers to question its business ethics amid the implementation of the new self-service system.

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The recent opening of the branch without waiters has divided opinions on social networks. Some users on platform X and tiktok have criticized the change, pointing out that the new concept blurs the essence that made La Casa de Toño a favorite place for many. “A cold, plastic pozole is not what I expected,” comments one of the detractors, suggesting that the new format is more like a fast food restaurant.

However, not all the comments have been negative. Some tweeters have opted for humor, suggesting alternative names such as “McToño”, referring to the famous McDonald’s fast food chain. This humorous reaction contrasts with concern about how this change could affect the quality and experience of dining at La Casa de Toño.

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