Who was the powerful woman of Greek shipping?

Athena (Nounou) Martinou, the strongest woman in Greek shipping and one of the pioneers in the international maritime industry, passed away on Friday night at the age of 97.

Athina Martinou: The profile of the shipowner

In 1964, Athena Martinou entered shipping. In 1971, he founded the shipping company Thenamaris and by 1975, the fleet consisted of 36 ships.

She was a woman with a great contribution to society, she always kept a very low profile, while from the “guts” of the Thenamaris company, with the support of the family, many executives succeeded and entered ship ownership.

“I am from Kefalonia, but the fact that I was born in Glyfada played a role in my love for the sea and I used to see the ships passing by and I said to my friends: “we will also make steamers” and we did. We were mad about it and we did it and the whole family had a blast,” she said in an earlier interview.

“In this effort, I was not alone. My husband was close to me from the first moment, but mainly it was my son Thanasis, who from the age of fourteen was doing statistics and writing down how many crew, what a ship needs. My husband, Ioannis Martinos, loved the sea. Thanasis, from the first discussion, was an active part of this effort. I wasn’t the driving force, but I was the person who could make the difficult, easy. When you want something, you can do it,” he continued.

“I’ve never been a director,” Athina Martinou said, but she emphasized: “I loved Thenamaris, not the director. What I wanted was for my ships to increase and that happened.”

“The “Eleni” was the second ship, we had no money, Thanasis was finishing high school, I found money and we went to London for Thanasis to sign, who told me then, we will raise the Greek flag. The Harbor Master in London asked me: Do you know a typewriter? I told him, yes, and I sat down and wrote the documents, Thanasis took them and that’s how we received the steamer.”

“We bought the first ship in 1964 for 80,000 pounds. It was a 20 year old ship. “Thanasis” was a Lebanese ship, it was for flying, we built it, we made it Cypriot and in 1967, we sold it to the Patera family who bought it for 300,000 dollars”.

The “Athina I. Martinou Foundation” for Nunou Martinou

“Starting point for the creation of the Foundation, Athena I. Martinou’s passion for the sea and destination is the offering to society, which is active around the sea and feels its daily presence in its veins.

Even today in her 90s, it is the love for life itself that defines her. She herself, as she characteristically says, is “like the sea, feminine”. Her whole attitude towards life is the same as towards the sea. Love and passion, respect and devotion. That’s why she accepts life with all its sides, whether calm and peaceful, or turbulent and stormy. Because Athena I. Martinou, like the sea, is never static. Bold and ambitious, hard-working and persistent, discreet and low-key, she is the Nunou of Greek shipping.

For every act, every move in the life of Athena I. Martinou, the sea was a source of inspiration. She was generous with her, as with those who love and respect her. She pursued her dream with a lot of work, dynamism and passion, and managed to win the respect and recognition of the shipping world with her merit.

Athena I. Martinou always returns to the sea to draw strength, and she wants to repay the generosity shown to her. Just as the waves of the sea travel us far, so too she, with the essential, but silent public benefit action of her Foundation, wants to make a decisive contribution to the implementation of projects for the benefit of Greek society, to help it go beyond its horizons, to travel, to goes far,” says the foundation.

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#powerful #woman #Greek #shipping



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