The message of the day for your vibration and clarity in the new transformative energies. Sunday, October 13, 2024 –

New energies bathe the planet, introduce us to new dimensions and new information is transmitted to us to navigate the journey of the new life. Here are answers from light workers and messengers from the higher realms, in translation Mihaela Dan.

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Here is the message of the day for your clarity

Let’s get one thing straight: Divine grace is not used by God to excuse you from doing what it is your job/responsibility to do.

God will not do what you can do on your own. God does what you cannot do, and He does His part only after you have done your part, after you have done everything that depended on you, everything that was in your power in that situation.

God does not do the work for you, He does not encourage stupidity, laziness, indolence or fear. So if someone asks God, “Send me Divine Grace to fix this thing, because I don’t want to deal with it myself!”, the answer is “No.”

God is not in the business of making your life easier because you are afraid to assume your personal power, you are afraid to say “No,” you are afraid to do what you are guided to do, you- it’s fear to clean your life, to remove from your life what is no longer beneficial to you. He guides you and asks you to do what you have to do in spite of the fear, to learn to go through the fear, to become stronger. God is not in the business of making your life easier, so that you can easily escape uncomfortable/painful situations, so that you don’t have to make radical decisions. He wants you to go through challenges, to solve problems, to overcome obstacles, to mature, to become stronger, to prove that you have a backbone, to stop betraying yourself.

You don’t pray to God like, “God, clean the mess out of my life for me!”, you pray, “God, guide me, show me what I need to do to clean the mess out of my life!” I’m scared, I’m insecure, my legs/voice/heart are shaking, I have some very difficult decisions to make and I need your help; give me the courage to make the right decisions, please!”.

It’s your job to clean up your life, it’s your job to make sharp decisions, it’s not God’s job. (Caroline Myss)

Humanity is going through unprecedented times. We are in the midst of a process of change through which we detach ourselves from a world as we have always known it and a new world is being built under our eyes in which our functioning will be from the space and energy of the heart and less of the mind. If you live in these times on Earth, it means that your soul has chosen to participate in this unique phenomenon by which the vibration of the planet increases and automatically everything transforms – actions, behaviors, patterns, thoughts, emotions. All must be of a higher vibration, compatible with that of the light codes that have bathed the Earth for at least 2 years now. Why have many experienced and are experiencing profound existential crises on a personal, professional, relational, and identity level? Why do many of us feel lost, without direction, while others travel the road with ease? This daily article aims to bring answers and a bit more clarity – as much as we have access to at the moment.


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Article date: 12/10/2024

Ah, welcome, welcome! Grab a seat, settle in, and let’s unravel this delightful tapestry of spiritual insights woven with equal parts divine guidance and… well, a hint of accountability!

Now, the article begins with a rather optimistic flourish that new energies are bathing the planet. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? I mean, we all love a good cosmic soak. Just be careful not to slip on that enlightenment—it’s a slippery slope from divine clarity to tripping over your own mishaps!

But let’s dig into the actual meat of the matter. The article suggests that Divine Grace isn’t a cosmic get-out-of-jail-free card. Hold the phone, people! According to our celestial messenger, if you’re sitting there saying, “Hey God, can you just pop over and fix this little mess I made?”—the response is a resounding, “Not today, sunshine!” God’s not your unpaid intern! He’s not here to handle your chaos while you sit back and sip herbal tea. No, no, no!

Now, I have to say, it’s rather amusing that God doesn’t indulge laziness. It’s like ordering a pizza and then asking the delivery guy to cook it too! “God, just handle my life like a pro while I’m lounging on my couch. I’d appreciate it!” I mean that’s not going to work, is it? God’s the ultimate life coach: If you want results, you’ve got to put in the work. You want a six-pack? You can’t just pray for it while you snack on cheeseburgers and binge-watch cat videos.

This leads us to the core message—we all have responsibilities! Your “job” is to roll up your sleeves and get into the muck, folks! “Lord, give me strength!” No! “Lord, guide me while I tackle my own mess!” Yes! It’s like saying, “God, please give me a raise,” after you’ve been caught napping at work! You can almost hear the celestial sigh.

And then we’re treated to a beautiful metaphor about humanity’s process of change. Now, I get it—energies are shifting, dimensions are sprouting like weeds in your backyard, and we’re all feeling a bit wobbly. Think of it as cosmic growing pains. One moment you’re thriving in your old ways, the next you’re in the middle of a personal existential crisis because your soul decided to take a detour through “Who Am I?” Avenue. One minute you’re “living your best life,” and the next, you’re Googling “existential dread” at 3 AM!

The article talks about a “higher vibration” that we’re all meant to align with. Fantastic, wonderful; let’s all raise our vibrations! But, uh, I’d like to remind you that “high vibrations” don’t mean just floating through your problems while sipping green juice. It means you’ve got to face your fears, tackle your emotional baggage, and most importantly, do the requisite inner work.

It’s like trying to get your dog to do tricks without having trained it first—you wouldn’t expect your pet to pull off backflips without a bit of training, would you? No, you’d work together, mix in some positive reinforcement, and maybe treat him to a belly rub or two! (And let’s be honest, cats wouldn’t even bother showing up for such nonsense.)

At the end of the day, the essence is that humans evidently enjoy blaming the universe for our woes. “Why can’t the cosmos sort itself out?” you ask. Well, guess what? It’s like trying to use your microwave to cook a five-course meal. So while you’re waiting for that galactic chef to step in and do the heavy lifting, remember: things don’t just magically fall into place, my dear reader.

Now, if you come away from all this feeling a bit more enlightened, brilliant! And if you’re still lost, just remember: everyone’s got their journey, and sometimes we just need to stumble through it—preferably with a good dose of humor, a dash of divine guidance, and possibly a stiff drink. Cheers to that!



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