Hurricane hits Florida: Live Update from Orlando with Tom and 3FM DJ Wijnand Speelman

The beginning of the storm

In the early hours of the morning, it’s a balmy 7:40 AM in the Netherlands, but across the Atlantic in Florida, it’s a different story. The calm before the storm has been most certainly replaced by chaos, as Wijnand points out: “Especially in Florida, many people are not closing their eyes because of a hurricane that has just made landfall.”

Now, let’s paint the picture: 2.6 million households without power—sounds like a nightmare at the family reunion! Imagine trying to make your famous potato salad without a microwave. Tampa is feeling the wrath of Mother Nature, and Orlando is poised for impact like a kid at a theme park waiting for the rollercoaster to drop.

Experience with hurricanes

Thom and Jessie? They’ve danced this dance before. They’ve survived a hurricane once and come out, not exactly unscathed, but with a few stories to tell. “We lost our rental car last time,” Thom says, which—let’s be honest—could be the worst excuse ever for not getting the insurance. But hey, no worries, right? His girlfriend, Jessie, is finding excitement in the chaos. Kind of like finding an unexpected plot twist in a terrible rom-com.

But hold your horses, because Wijnand is on the case with the real questions: “Why didn’t you leave earlier?” I mean, we all know how it goes. Thom wanted to escape, but by the time he figured it out, the airport had thrown in the towel. Typical hurricane behavior, right? “It was no longer possible to get away at that point,” Thom explains. Well, there’s your classic tale of missed flights and missed chances, folks!

Preparations and emergency notifications

Now, Florida takes hurricane prep seriously. Thom’s story illustrates this perfectly: “We came back from the Disney parks and the supermarket was already closed.” Closed! No bread, no milk… and certainly no avocado toast! But credit where it’s due—Thom kept his spirits up, with a cheeky quip: “Luckily the liquor store was still open, so we were able to stock up on some beers.” Because nothing says, “I’m ready for a natural disaster,” like having a mini liquor store in your backpack.

Meanwhile, emergency notifications are pinging like mad on their phones, screaming that going outside could have the same outcome as joining a live bear fight. “They warn that we should absolutely not go outside until it is safe,” Thom says. Good luck convincing half of Florida at the moment—this is basically an invitation to play *Extreme Hide and Seek*.

The impact on the community

Amidst the jokes, the stark reality kicks in. “We heard someone at our resort say he’s probably going to lose his house,” Thom says, and suddenly the fun’s over. It hits home hard. We all laugh and joke until someone’s livelihood is on the line, right? Here’s hoping Thom has a backup plan that doesn’t involve dodgy board games during the storm.

As Wijnand probes deeper, asking what unfolds outside, Thom does a dramatic reveal. “The wind is blowing hard, and the trees are moving from left to right,” he comments, while the radio serenades with the symphony of a hurricane approaching. It’s like a nature documentary, except the director forgot to include a happy ending.

In summary, as we navigate this hurricane madness—a mix of humor, anticipation, and impending doom—I can’t help but think that life is just one big comedy show, and perhaps it’s all about how you deal with your punchlines, enduring the storm, laughter and all!



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