Alessio flies to Canada with Sarah Engels instead of staying with Pietro Lombardi

Sarah Engels‘ Spontaneous Vacation: The Comedy of Family Dynamics

Gather ‘round, everyone! It seems Sarah Engels has decided that her autumn holidays in Canada simply *had* to be a family affair! Yes, you heard right—her son Alessio, originally slated to spend his break with his dad, the ever-dramatic Pietro Lombardi, is now boarding the plane for a wild trip with *mum*, her husband Julian, and their daughter Solea. Can someone pass the popcorn?

Vacation Plans: Pile ‘Em Up!

Picture this: Sarah, juggling suitcases, demanding to know where the heck *Alessio*’s passport is, while Julian wonders why the baby won’t stop crying—it’s a classic sitcom moment, really. Social media revealed her spontaneous change of plans as she announced, “We still have to get a lot of things and pack, since the four of us will now be traveling to Canada.” Talk about buckling up for unexpected turbulence!

Initially, Alessio had a nice little getaway planned with his father Pietro. But alas, Sarah must have looked at her calendar and thought, “Why not bring him along? After all, it’s just Canada!” No word yet on whether she also booked a therapy session for the inevitable family drama. But hey, with a last-minute ticket, you’re really flying by the seat of your pants…much like Alessio when he’s told to carry his own luggage!

What’s Cooking in the Family Stew?

The gossip mill is also buzzing, observing Pietro Lombardi in the spotlight like a malfunctioning spotlight at a lackluster show. Following a lack of decorum with his fiancée Laura Maria Rypa—y’know, the kind of tussle that sends the police scrambling like kids at a school fire drill—Pietro seems to have had his name in the local tabloids more than in his son’s bedtime stories.

Now, to be fair, Sarah hasn’t weighed in on these tantalizing allegations, but why would she? She’s too busy preparing for an impromptu family vacation—priorities, folks! Let’s also not forget the charming history between these two: public spats, police involvement, dramatic videos…you know, the typical fairy tale stuff!

Sarah and Pietro, after their split in 2016, shook hands over joint custody of Alessio. But if you were expecting a calm, civil arrangement, allow me to remind you that this is reality TV; calm is clearly not on the agenda here!

What’s Next for the Lombardi-Engels Family?

As we eagerly await a follow-up on this ever-evolving saga, we can only hope for one thing: a good sense of humor about it all! Will Alessio enjoy s’mores by the campfire, or will he be getting a crash course in negotiating custody terms at the local hockey rink? The possibilities are endless!

So buckle up, my dear readers. Whether you’re more a fan of all the drama or just want to see how many family members can fit into one holiday cabin, this is bound to be one road trip we won’t forget easily. Grab the tissues, and let the comedy unfold!

And remember, if Pietro decides to cross the Atlantic to make a cameo, consider this your advance warning—there’s bound to be some more memorable screaming to come!

The original story can be found on Who says news can’t be a comedy goldmine?

As “” reports, among others, Sarah Engels is said to have surprisingly changed her vacation plans. A trip to Canada is planned for the autumn holidays, initially only with husband Julian and their daughter Solea. Now Alessio, their son with Pietro Lombardi, is also supposed to come along. A connection to the current headlines ?

Sarah Engels spontaneously replans her vacation

Originally, the nine-year-old’s autumn holidays were supposed to take place with his father Pietro Lombardi, he says. ” knowledge. The singer now announced the change of plans on her Instagram page: “We still have to get a lot of things and pack, since the four of us will now be traveling to Canada.” She doesn’t say anything more about it, but it sounds as if it was at short notice Change came.

During the school year, Alessio is supposed to live with Sarah Engels during the week – but the fall holidays were intended for him to spend time with his father Pietro Lombardi. The tabloid magazine believes that Engels booked the plane ticket for Alessio at short notice.

What does Sarah Engels know about allegations against ex-husband Pietro Lombardi?

Alessio’s father Pietro Lombardi is currently in the spotlight: there was a heated argument between him and his fiancée Laura Maria Rypa, which even resulted in police intervention. There were also repeated tensions in the relationship with Sarah Engels. A similar incident occurred during their marriage, which ended in 2016, in which the police were called in. A video was circulating online at the time that documented the dramatic argument.

After their separation in 2016, Sarah Engels and Pietro Lombardi were awarded joint custody of Alessio. Nevertheless, there are always public arguments between the two.

Pietro Lombardi’s ex has not yet commented on the current allegations – unlike, for example, neighbor Oliver Pocher or show host Thomas Gottschalk.

The original for this post “Alessio flies to Canada with Sarah Engels instead of staying with Pietro Lombardi” comes from



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