North Maluku Governor Benny Laos Dies After Speedboat Explodes – CNN Indonesia


Benny Laos, a gubernatorial hopeful vying for the number four spot in North Maluku, perished in a catastrophic boat blast off Taliabu Island on Saturday, October 13th.

Bram, the Ternate Basarnas Operations Head, confirmed the unfortunate event, stating, “The vessel exploded, which caused Mr. Laos’s death,” as reported by

North Maluku Gubernatorial Hopeful Perishes in Tragic Boat Explosion

The North Maluku gubernatorial race suffered a devastating blow this weekend with the tragic death of Benny Laos. Laos, a candidate vying for the number four spot, perished in a boat explosion off Taliabu Island on Saturday, October 13th.

The incident was confirmed by Bram, the Ternate Basarnas Operations Head, who stated simply, “The vessel exploded, which caused Mr. Laos’s death.” While details surrounding the explosion remain scarce, the confirmation from Basarnas leaves little doubt as to the cause of the candidate’s demise. This unexpected tragedy throws the North Maluku gubernatorial race into further uncertainty, leaving a void in the political landscape and raising questions about the ongoing campaign. The impact of Laos’s death on the election remains to be seen, but it undoubtedly marks a significant turning point in the contest. Further investigation is needed to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the explosion and whether foul play was involved. The loss of a candidate in such a dramatic manner is a somber reminder of the inherent risks and unpredictable nature of political life.



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