Blinded by Love: Maria Dębska’s Bittersweet Awakening

Maria Dębska she tries to protect her privacy, but she knows that fans follow her every move. This makes her quite embarrassed.

“I see no reason why anyone should be interested in my private life. Or why I should confess it publicly. I don’t feel the need to share everything with the world. This is the most delicate and sensitive area for me“- she said recently in an interview with Glamour.

The actress does not hide the fact that she used to be unable to say no and only recently started using the word “no” because she realized that being nice is… a curse..

“When you are nice, people think that you allow them to cross your boundaries,” she explained in an interview for “Zwierciadło”.


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The fact that you have to be nice in every situation was taught to Maria Dębska by her late grandmother.

“She always told me: be nice. Additionally, it was reinforced in me by music school, where you have to be nice and polite all the time. Moreover, this message is usually coupled with another: don’t let it be known that someone has offended you, that something has offended you it hurt,” the actress admitted in “Zwierciadło”.

“When I got into the film school, I was first told that I was too nice and that I should get a little ‘dirty’.“- she recalled.

Maria Dębska is convinced that nice people are perceived by others as people who even invite interference in their privacy. This, according to her, is the curse of being nice.

“Empathy is great, but at some point I went too far with it,” she said in the interview already quoted, adding that there was a period in her life when she wanted everyone to like her, which made her forget about her own needs, dreams and goals.

Maria Dębska is considered an actress who is extremely kind to everyone she works with.

“This is how I was brought up. I try very hard to respect others, which is not always easy. Sometimes I lose patience. I hate stardom and I would never want to behave like that,” she told “Zwierciadło”.

“But there are situations in which you simply cannot be nice,” she added.

For some time now, Maria has been constantly asked about her marriage, which ended in divorce Marcin Bosak and whether she feels ready for a new relationship. Only once did she honestly confess that she simply didn’t feel happy when she was with Marcin.

Guesting on the podcast Magda Mołek “In my style” she revealed that she forced herself to stay in a relationship that, in her opinion, had no future and was doomed to failure.

“I gritted my teeth at night, very hard and in many situations, to stifle it, wipe my tears in the kitchen and come back smiling,” she said, suggesting that she lied to her husband by pretending that she was fine with him.

It turns out that Maria realized a few weeks after the wedding that she had made a mistake by getting married. However, she “was ready” for a divorce for quite a long time and tormented herself, asking herself why it didn’t work out. She claims that the fight against her thoughts and emotions exhausted her so much that she had to seek help from a specialist.

“I lost. Even though I was 31 years old. But I can’t say I regret it. Otherwise I would have drifted, I wouldn’t have stood on my own two feet,” Mołek confided to Magda.

In one of her last interviews, Maria Dębska declared that she was going to take a break from love and enjoy her single life.

I am a loner by nature, I need to be alone“- she stated in an interview with “Live”.

The actress assures that she has drawn conclusions from what happened in her personal life, “worked through” the emotional failure and looked at the past from a new perspective.

I’m alone because it’s good for me“- she said.


1. Interviews with M. Dębska: “Zwierciadło” (February 2023), “Wysokie Obcasy” (September 2019 and February 2024), “Na Live” (March 2024), “Glamour” (February 2024), “W moja styl” (October 2022)

2. Article “Life after breakup”, “Show” (March 2024)

See also:

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The Hidden Truth Behind Being “Nice”: Maria ‍Dębska’s ⁣Eye-Opening Story

Polish actress Maria Dębska has made headlines with her recent confession about the burden of being “nice” and the dire consequences it can have on ⁤one’s life. In a series of interviews, she has shared her personal⁣ struggles with being ⁣overly⁣ polite and accommodating, revealing the darker side of being perceived as “the nice girl.”

Maria’s story is one of learning‍ and growth, as she candidly admitted‌ to being unable to say “no” for most of her life, under the guise of being nice.⁣ It’s astonishing to see how societal​ expectations ⁣can shape our behavior and define our relationships. The pressure to constantly be kind⁣ and considerate‌ can be overwhelming, and as Maria explains, it often crosses the fine line between kindness and self-neglect.

The reason ‌behind Maria’s inability to say “no” lies deep in⁣ her childhood, where her grandmother ‌instilled the importance of being nice and polite. This upbringing is also echoed in ⁣the film industry, where⁢ she was often told that being nice and ⁣accommodating⁣ would guarantee her success. However, ⁢Maria discovered that this attitude came with ‌a cost​ – her own identity and⁢ sense of self-worth.

One of the most heart-wrenching aspects of her story is the way she handled her failed marriage to Marcin Bosak. ⁢Maria bravely ​shared that she knew she made a mistake by getting married just a few weeks after the wedding. ⁤What followed⁤ was ⁣a period of internal⁤ turmoil, as she ​forced herself to stay in a relationship that she knew was doomed from the beginning.

This strikingly honest ​account raises questions about the societal⁢ pressure to conform ​to certain expectations. Are ‌we too hard on ourselves to⁢ fit into predetermined roles? What does it truly mean to be kind and compassionate, and how can we set healthy boundaries while⁢ maintaining empathy and⁣ understanding?

Maria’s narrative serves⁣ as a reminder that sometimes being nice is not enough, and that prioritizing our own feelings and needs is crucial. As she says, empathy is essential, but knowing our limits is vital to a balanced and fulfilling life. By sharing her story, Maria has shown the world that even the kindest‌ of souls can struggle with vulnerability and⁢ assertiveness.

In a world where social media constantly demands us‍ to put​ on a happy ⁢face, we can learn a‍ valuable lesson⁢ from Maria Dębska’s openness and honesty. She proves that we‌ don’t have to ‌pretend to be fine when we’re not, and that ‍speaking out ‍can be a powerful tool for growth ‍and self-discovery.

The Takeaway

Maria Dębska’s courageous confession is​ an​ eye-opening call to action for all ⁢of us. By analyzing her narrative, we can learn that:

  1. Self-care is essential: Understanding our limits and setting healthy boundaries can help us navigate‍ life’s ​challenges ⁤more effectively.
  2. Empathy and ⁣understanding can be worn thin: Learn to prioritize your own feelings and needs, even if it means putting your⁣ foot down when necessary.
  3. Being vulnerable is a strength: Be brave enough to share your ​struggles and‍ fears – you never know who might learn from your experiences.

This beautiful story serves as a reminder that there‌ is more ‍to‌ being kind than just‌ being “nice.”



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