Netherlands Urges Expedited Verdict on Pro-Palestinian Organization’s Future Amid Tensions

Samidoun ANPL members at a demonstration in Berlin for the release of Palestinian prisoners, May 2023

NOS Nieuws•gisteren, 20:32

Minister of Justice and Security Van Weel will discuss with the Public Prosecution Service about banning the pro-Palestinian organization Samidoun. Prime Minister Schoof said this at his weekly press conference after questions from NOS.

“I hope that the Public Prosecution Service can deal with this quickly.” The government is also looking at the possibility of banning the organization in an EU context.

The government is thus responding to a wish from the House of Representatives. This week it adopted a motion to put Samidoun on the national terrorism sanctions list. PVV, VVD, NSC, BBB, CDA and ChristenUnie voted in favor of the motion by SGP and JA21.

Banned in Germany

Samidoun, which according to intelligence services is linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), is already banned in Germany. This is due to open support for foreign terrorist organizations such as Hamas, glorifying terror and spreading anti-Semitism.

The PFLP is regarded as a terrorist organization in the Netherlands by the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV).

“I would not recommend anyone in the Netherlands to join this organization,” says Schoof. “The glorification of terrorist organizations has nothing to do with standing up for the rights of Palestinians.” The Prime Minister, himself a former NCTV, says that the German experiences will be taken into account in the conversation with the Public Prosecution Service.

Against Israel

Samidoun is an international organization that speaks out against the state of Israel in various countries and advocates the release of all Palestinian prisoners. Since October 7 last year, the day of the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, the organization has been present at all kinds of pro-Palestine demonstrations in many countries.

When asked whether the cabinet cannot ban the organization itself, Schoof answers that it is up to the Public Prosecution Service to submit to the court whether a legal ban is possible and necessary. This is possible if the organization “carries out activities that are contrary to public order”, as stated in Article 2:20 of the Civil Code.

Members of Samidoun were also involved in various demonstrations in the Netherlands last year, such as at universities. And also last Monday at the memorial meeting and demonstrations in Amsterdam. According to Schoof, mayors, police and justice have taken Samidoun’s presence into account.

Increasing anti-Semitism

Schoof attended the commemoration in the Rav Aron Schuster Synagogue in Amsterdam on Monday with a number of ministers and PVV leader Wilders, VVD leader Yesilgöz and BBB leader Van der Plas. “Impressive,” he says today.

That same day, a demonstration of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Amsterdam got out of hand. 322 people were arrested after they disobeyed police orders, violence was used against attendees at a pro-Israel rally and flyers cheering on Hamas were distributed.

All detainees have now been released, but the Public Prosecution Service is still investigating whether any persons will be prosecuted. “The Amsterdam triangle is really considering whether criminal action should be taken,” says the Prime Minister.

There are legitimate concerns about increasing anti-Semitism, Schoof believes. The government is therefore organizing a theme day this year on combating anti-Semitism.



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