Botched Beauty: High-End Salon Nightmare Exposes Dark Side of Glamour

Federico Fashion Style is once again at the center of controversy for what happens within the walls of her beauty salon: after the storm triggered by customer complaints about the excessively high prices of the services offered, now many online are starting to express discontent with the treatments received.

Among those who complain hair damage and results not quite up to expectations, there is someone who had it even worse. As explained to Strip the News and Nora Amileformer babe of the television show The Pupa and the Nerdand, his traumatic experience would have gone far beyond the purely aesthetic aspect. The 44-year-old explained to the satirical news correspondent Rajae Bezzaz the story that saw her involuntarily protagonist in the famous hair stylist’s salon.

“They gave me keratin saying that it would remove the frizz and that my hair would look longer,” said the former babe. “But they bleached them so much that when I got out of there they were frizzy white,” she continued. “When I woke up at home the next day my hair was very short.” The situation had led her to go and ask for explanations in the living room, but that day Federico was not there: “I find Giorgio, his assistant: after having insultedtook my things and wanted to throw them in the middle of the street. Then he threw me on the ground and gave me a soccer on the hip.”

The problem is that Nora Amile’s case would not be an isolated case, as she reports Stripwhich proposed some clips of videos of customers who were not satisfied with the result and were actually damaged. “They’re all starting to fall out,” explains a salon customer, showing strands that come off easily scalp. “Whoever intends to go there must know very well what they are going to encounter”, warns another girl.

At this point Rajae Bezzaz decides to ask Federico directly for clarification. “Unfortunately there are a lot of people who complain online too”, explains the correspondent, “there are also those who come from Naples, you dealt with one of them, I think you remember her”. This is Nella, a lady in a wheelchair who is dissatisfied with the treatment she received: due to the extensions, the lady complains that she had to endure “excruciating pain”.

Increasingly nervous, Federico invites Rajae Bezzaz to leave the living room, but she waits for him at the gate to understand what happened to Nora Amile. “Come on, I have the train, you know I don’t care about Nora Amile. But who is she? She has a follower… She has more follower my daughter”, attacks the hair stylist. As regards the alleged assault on the ex-girlfriend, the 35-year-old has no doubts: “If someone were attacked, a major complaint would be triggered”.

“You reported it”, replies the correspondent.

“You can do what you like, Giorgio will make his counter-declaration”, replies Federico who concludes in an even more polemical way, convinced that the 44 year old acted in that way because she was looking for visibility: “In addition to having made La Pupa and the Nerd that I wasn’t born yet, is a poor loser, he doesn’t care about anyone”.



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