Generation Stressed: Young Adults Dominate Mental Health Consults, Reveals Doctolib Data

Established as a significant “national” concern for ⁣2025, ⁣mental health has now become‍ a top priority, as Prime Minister Michel ‌Barnier has recently pointed out. On the eve​ of World Mental Health Day on October 10, the ⁢Doctolib platform publishes an annual study highlighting the​ concerns‍ of young​ people.

According to ​the⁢ platform’s statistics, the number of consultations with⁢ psychologists has surged by 13.8% since the start of 2024, compared to 2023. And young people aged 18 to 34 have become a⁣ major focus.

“Feelings of isolation”, “fear ‌of stagnation”…

Around 42% of​ patients are ‍between ⁣18‌ and 34 years old and almost one in three patients ​is between 25 and 34 years old. “The increase in consultations can be attributed to the fact that mental health‍ has become ‍a priority, rising from third to ⁢first place among the health ‌concerns of the French.“, according‌ to‍ psychologist Caroline Delannoy, member of the Doctolib medical committee.

According to ‌a study Ipsos by 2024, it‌ has even moved to first place among health concerns. In question: “Feelings of loneliness, fear of being downgraded, or even fear of⁣ being overtaken by technology are all factors⁢ that ​combine“, explains the polling institute. Among the 36% of French people in a ⁤state of psychological distress, 56% are under 25 years old.

According to⁤ Doctolib data, the⁣ gap in perception regarding‍ mental health‍ issues is ​substantial between women and men. Among 18-34 year olds, a ⁢greater number of women consider it a significant problem. Although the number of consultations ​with psychologists is increasing sharply, more than two out of three ‌patients ​are women (67%).

Increase in the number of appointments with psychiatrists for 25-34 year olds

The number of ‍consultations concerning men has, however, increased more rapidly than that of women in recent months, with an increase of +29% in consultations for men in September 2024 compared to September 2023.

All ages, men and women, the number of appointments made‍ with psychiatrists has also broken records among Doctolib users since the start of ​the year, with an increase of​ 11.7% compared to 2023. And​ it is the 25-34 age group that​ is experiencing the greatest increase in the number of⁤ appointments (+17%). You can take an appointment with psychiatrists here ‌ or⁢ with psychologists here.



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