Rice Beyond the Ordinary: A Gastronomic Journey Through Exotic Grains

Dr. Anna Shilobanova points out that rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates that provide energy to the body. Rice also does not contain gluten, so those who suffer from gluten allergy or celiac syndrome can eat it. Its types include: white, brown and wild rice.

She says: “Brown rice is rich in dietary fiber, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes cardiovascular health. In addition, it contains magnesium, which is necessary to maintain normal blood pressure stability, improves digestion and prevents constipation.”

According to her, rice contains vitamins B1 and B6, which are necessary for the nervous system and metabolism, and also contains zinc and iron.

For his part, toxicologist Mikhail Kutushov points out that rice contains antioxidants that combat free radicals and protect the body from the risk of chronic diseases.

He says: “We must know that rice is good for children because it gives them great energy. Athletes are also advised to include it in their diet, because it helps recover after training.”

As for brown rice, it is a gift for diabetics, because it does not cause sudden jumps in blood sugar levels, so they can eat it without fear. In addition, it is easy to digest, which makes it an important and useful product for people who suffer from digestive problems.

Brown rice

Dr. Natalia Shvedova, a nutrition expert, points out that we must not forget that rice contains a small percentage of arsenic. Therefore, it must be soaked and washed well before cooking.

Doctors advise eating rice with vegetables, meat, legumes, and fish, which helps balance the meal and prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar levels.

Source: “Izvestia” newspaper

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The Hidden Health Benefits of Rice: ‍A Nutritional ⁢Powerhouse

As I ⁢delved into a recent article by Dr. Anna Shilobanova, I was struck​ by the oft-overlooked nutritional benefits⁤ of rice. While many of us view rice as ⁢a mere side ⁢dish‍ or a staple in international cuisine, ⁤the humble grain deserves more recognition for its impressive array of⁤ health benefits.

According to Dr. Shilobanova, rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, providing the body with the energy it needs to function optimally. But what truly ​sets rice apart is its gluten-free status, making it an attractive option for individuals suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. For those who have been forced to restrict ‌their diet due to gluten-related issues, rice offers a welcome respite and a versatile alternative.

But rice’s benefits extend far beyond its⁤ gluten-free‌ status. As a complex carbohydrate, ⁢rice is rich in fiber, which can help promote digestive health, support healthy blood sugar levels, and even aid in weight management. Furthermore, rice is also a good source⁢ of manganese, copper, and magnesium, essential minerals that play critical roles in maintaining bone health,‌ supporting immune function, and regulating ​blood pressure.

In an era where low-carb diets have become ⁣increasingly trendy, it’s refreshing to see a‍ nutritional expert like Dr. Shilobanova advocating for​ the benefits of a balanced ⁢diet that includes ⁣complex carbohydrates like rice. Rather than demonizing rice as a “bad” carb, we should be celebrating⁣ its role as a nutritious and energy-rich food that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a⁢ balanced meal.

Dr. Shilobanova’s insights⁢ on the health benefits of rice serve as a timely reminder to appreciate the nutritional value of this oft-maligned grain.​ Whether you’re a die-hard rice enthusiast or simply looking for new ways⁤ to incorporate⁢ complex carbohydrates into your diet, rice is definitely worth ⁤a second look. So next time you sit down to a meal that includes rice, remember the hidden⁢ health benefits that lie beneath‍ its unassuming​ surface.



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