Gridlock and Paralysis: How the October 10 Strike Brought a Nation to a Standstill

“The main demands of our strike”, as stated in a related announcement by the workers, are:

· Upgrade safety measures: We demand the immediate and universal operation of remote control and light signaling throughout the network in order to avoid another tragic train accident like the one in Tempe, which claimed the lives of workers and passengers.

· Completion of the infrastructure and superstructure projects: It is urgent to complete the ETCS, light signals and remote control systems, which will ensure the smooth and safe operation of the trains.

· Maintenance of the railway network: Ongoing maintenance of the railway infrastructure is central to the safe operation of the lines and the reduction of risks.

· Clearing the network of natural obstacles: We demand the immediate clearing of the railway network of tree trunks and other natural obstacles, which pose a serious risk to workers and passengers and the fencing of the railway infrastructure so that pedestrians cannot easily enter it and particularly in the urban fabric.

· Investments in new rolling stock: Especially on suburban lines, it is IMMEDIATELY necessary to invest in new trains to ensure the quality and safety of travel.

Transportation safety is EVERYONE’s responsibility.

We ask for the support of the citizens, because without it, the railway cannot exist.

Everyone’s cooperation is essential to ensure that the network continues to serve the public, without putting the lives of workers and passengers at risk.

We ask for the support of the passengers by informing them that our Union has allocated to Hellenic Train, as security personnel, train drivers to carry out routes to serve the needs of society.

Public health strike on Thursday, October 17

A nationwide health strike is being held by Federation of Associations of Hospital Physicians on October 17, demanding substantial wage increases, mass hiring of permanent staff, humane hours, free health care for all the people. They will take place on the same day strike rallies across the country.

OR OENGE calls for “generalized indignation and rage to break the barrier of silence! To participate in the collective claim and action!”

The announcement of OENGE in detail:

We continue the struggle for the satisfaction of all our just demands. For substantial increases in our salaries, for massive hiring of permanent staff, for human hours, for free health for all the people.

Up to here! We are not going to accept after 10 years of memoranda, crisis, embargo on health recruitment, cuts in our wages and our rights, to sacrifice our needs and in a period of growth to increase the profits and privileges of the few. No discount on our needs! We do not tolerate losing becoming our habit!

Increases dissipated by accuracy and tax bleeding and in no way cover the losses of the last 15 years. Recruitment of permanent doctors that do not even replace retirementslet alone the tragic gaps of obsolete organizations. Take-off of flexible labor relations and the labor hostage. Constant “orders” for movements to cover such as gaps, overtime, unpaid overtime and on-call, rural and specialist before they even start working. religious conditions after each general duty in large hospitals of the basin and beyond, in Attiko, in G.N. “Gennimatas”, at the University Hospital of Patras and elsewhere.

“Ceiling” on our salary increases, “ceiling” on the prevention of permanent doctors, “ceiling” on government funding for the public health system, a “ceiling” on EOPYY and state benefits (diagnostic tests, drugs, treatment).

But there is no “ceiling” to support the war operations of NATO, the EU and the murderous state of Israel that sow death. Just for sending a frigate to the Red Sea, 2,500 kilometers away from the borders of our country, half a million is given a day, 3 billion a year! There is no “ceiling” for the profits of private groups in health that turn over 2 billion euros, in their reinforcement even with “hot” money from the Recovery Fund for “afternoon” surgeries. There is no ‘ceiling’ on patient payments, who pay €5.9 billion out of pocket for their health, on drug price increases of up to 480%.

So far with the lies of the Minister of Health Trade! He enlists creative mathematics as all his predecessors did, zero excepted. For the minister of health trade if the occupancy of a hospital is 50% and the filling rate of vacant organic positions is also 50%, then the staffing of the hospital is satisfactory! To justify the tragic understaffing, he uses the criterion of occupancy as if hospitals were hotels. What if there are no doctors to cover the calls, what if a doctor needs to be on call half the days of the month! What if patients “travel” to other cities precisely because their local hospital is understaffed.

Strike uprising! They are escalating the attack against us, against the health of our patients, our families, our children. The generalized application of , the dowry bequeathed by SYRIZA to the ND, will lead to financial strangulation of public hospitals that will not secure income from sick clients. The amount of funding and staffing will depend on this. New round of locks in departments, clinics, hospitals.

To raise an alarm in the hospitals of the basin! The daily vigilance of the hospitals, to hide under the carpet the mess with the ranches, will bring the staff to their knees, the intensification, the double shifts, the overvigilance will increase. The regular free operation of hospitals will be blown up. Scheduled surgeries in the morning hours, routine medical operations will be drastically reduced, with the result that a large number of patients will be forced to the health business groups.

The generalized indignation and rage to break the barrier of silence! To participate in the collective claim and action! What we have won so far, the increase in the hourly compensation of on-calls and their independent taxation, the increase in the allowance for barren areas, are not voluntary concessions by the government. It is a result of our struggles. Against the logic of the ineffectiveness of the games, more decisively, more massively, more organized we continue!

It is not a solution for the rural, the specialist, the specialist doctor, the legal institutional pocket in the afternoon paid surgeries and the exercise of private work. It is not a “free choice”, a “right” to indulge in customer-hunting in the marketplace, inside and outside the public health system, voluntarily giving up our rights to decent wages, humane hours, free time for ourselves and our families.

All and sundry in the national health strike on October 17 and in strike rallies across the country. The target is the commercialization and privatization of health, which creates obstacles to the satisfaction of our needs.

We demand here and now:

  • Doubling the salaries of hospital doctors: 20% increase in the basic salary and doubling of the hourly wage of the on-call immediately for all ranks. Restoration of 13th, 14th pay and leave allowance. The additional (supernumerary) shifts should not be taxed. Provision of hazardous and unhealthy work allowance.
  • Mass permanent recruitment of full-time and full-time doctors. Open announcement of all vacant organic positions until they are filled. Permanentization of all adjuncts without any terms and conditions. Satisfaction of OENGE’s requests for barren and problematic areas.
  • Exclusive and sufficient funding from the state budget of the public health system. Free health for all people.
  • No exceeding 48 hours. No doctor movement. No rural, no specialist should be on duty without the presence of a qualified doctor.

Strike on November 20 by GSEE and ADEDY

ADEDY has announced a 24-hour strike for Wednesday, November 20, 2024, following the corresponding decision of the GSEE, in order for the strike to be General and have pan-labor-pan-employee characteristics. As pointed out in a relevant announcement, the General Council of October 10 will discuss all measures to organize and support the strike.

ADEDY was in any case aiming for a 24-hour strike mobilization in November, as the Executive Committee of ADEDY decided at the meeting of September 17, “appreciating the need for a full-time – all-employee strike of all employees in the public and private sector”.

As pointed out in a relevant announcement, the General Council of October 10 will discuss all measures to organize and support the strike.

We remind you that on Monday, September 30, the GSEE announced a strike on November 20, demanding measures against punctuality, increased rent and housing prices, and the restoration of Collective Labor Law.

The announcement of the GSEE on the strike on November 20

Dealing with punctuality, the increased prices of rents and the housing market, as well as the restoration of the Collective Labor Law, were at the center of today’s Plenary meeting of the GSEE.

The Confederation, given the fact that the Government is not taking any substantive measures to address these critical issues plaguing private sector workers but instead is implementing measures that are exacerbating their problems, has decided:

  • the realization of a 24-hour General Strike for Wednesday 20 November 2024
  • the implementation of an information campaign, which will begin immediately in all regions of the country, with particular emphasis on Athens and Thessaloniki, with the aim of massive and unifying participation in the 24-hour General Strike.

The Government is unable to implement policies that strengthen the purchasing power of employees, which has decreased by 8% since 2019. The bonus policy and passes unfortunately do not solve the problems. Immediate measures are needed to deal with the oligopolistic structure of the market and the cartels, the restructuring of labor relations and the Collective Labor Law as well as the implementation of social housing programs with the reserve of 1.5 billion from the former Labor Home.

These measures meet the real needs of workers in the private sector and we will fight for the implementation of these measures.

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