Venezuela on the Brink: Government Claims Opposition Has Paramilitary Links Amid Escalating Battle for Control

Through a statement, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) spoke out in rejection of the call of the paramilitary group Autodefensas Conquistadoras de la Sierra Nevada, an alliance that, the letter indicates, is supported by the opposition.

The text signed by the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lópezseeks to target the group’s alleged leaders and their relationship with the opposition, which would try to apply destabilizing maneuvers in view of the holding of the presidential elections.

“Such intentions involve acts of sabotage to the infrastructure of national basic services; attacks against the physical integrity of citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our Commander in Chief; undermine the stability of the legitimately constituted system of government; in addition to terrorist actions to be carried out in border states”reads the statement.

According to the FANB, There have been many episodes of alleged destabilization; “However, each of these events have come up against the firm and determined position of the Venezuelan people and their Armed Forces, which in a perfect civic-military fusion, have known how to respond without hesitation, with patriotism, dignity and self-determination.”.

The ruling party’s accusations of alleged violent plans by the opposition are not newespecially as the elections approach.

“We will remain alert to destabilizing plans and will ensure, at all costs, the comprehensive defense of our beloved nation.”closes the statement.

#FANB #links #opposition #paramilitary #group


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