Sylvana Beltrones Eyes Federal Seat in High-Stakes PRI-Morena Alliance

Millennium Politics

Mexico City / 08.10.2024 11:45:16

Sylvana Beltrones, daughter of the former governor of Sonora Manlio Fabio Beltrones, announced that she will request a temporary license to separate from her position as a federal representative of the PRI.

Yesterday, through a letter shared on her social networks, the legislator announced that she would present her request today and announced the reasons, which are related to the leadership of her party and legislative differences.

​“First of all, having resolved the processes related to the leadership of my political institute that generate differences of opinion, and certain that we must prioritize the important national debate, I consider that in these times of definitions, it is essential to act with consistency,” she wrote .

He pointed out that his presence in the Senate was the result of his direct campaign throughout Sonora, but “my access to the Chamber of Deputies was, like that of several dear colleagues, through the proposal of my party, which evaluated our work, action and results in both chambers.”

“Secondly, I have made this determination due to the lack of favorable conditions in Congress to carry out the work that motivated me to accept my party’s candidacy as a representative. That is, ensuring that good initiatives become laws,” he added.

As a representative and senator, Beltrones considered that she presented initiatives “on really important issues for Mexico,” such as improving legitimate defense; establish a clear legal framework for the importation of second-hand cars; granting work licenses to attend preventive cancer examinations, as well as the proposal of a general cancer law for the benefit of thousands of patients.

He noted that several of his initiatives were approved in the Senate, but there was no time for those minutes to be approved in the Chamber of Deputies. “That’s why I considered it a great opportunity to be able to give them continuity in the new legislature as a deputy,” she added.

“For this reason, I re-presented these initiatives, seeking that with the experience and path traveled, their approval would be expedited by consensus. Unfortunately, the ruling majority has refused to see beyond the initiatives of the Executive Branch and has discarded all our minutes in express procedures,” he accused.

The deputy maintained that, despite the importance of the initiatives, there is no will for them to prosper, under the pretext of the budgetary impact. “I am not willing to limit my time in the Chamber to presenting cosmetic initiatives,” she said.

He announced that he has already spoken with his deputy, Paloma Domínguez Ugarte, so that she can follow up and promote the initiatives presented temporarily.

“For the moment, I will continue participating to improve the lives of Sonorans and this country from other trenches, including the management of the Beatriz Beltrones Foundation, dedicated for 19 years to the timely detection of cervical and breast cancer in the women. Because serving Mexico does not require positions, but it does require the will to assume the burden of the problems that concern us all,” he declared.

Finally, the PRI member thanked the coordinator of the PRI parliamentary group, Rubén Moreira, and the tricolor bench for their attention. “I trust that your voice, even if it is not heard, will echo, because when the truth is spoken, words transcend and generate change,” he concluded.

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