Red Line Reached: America Strikes Back at Russia’s Broken Promises

Red Line Reached: America Strikes Back at Russia’s Broken Promises

The US has removed itself from the scope of the Arms Control Treaty, which allows unarmed surveillance aircraft to fly over the territories of member states, with the aim of promoting transparency in military activities.

US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said in a statement on the social networking site Twitter that the US issued a notice six months ago to withdraw from the agreement in the context of Russia’s violation of the agreement and now We are outside of his circle.

The US has taken this step due to the alleged violations of the agreement by Russia.

The Arms Control Treaty will expire in February 2021, while President-elect Joe Biden will likely be sworn in as President of the United States on January 20 at the start of the new year, after which he may extend the term.

The aforementioned agreement was implemented in 2002, which included thirty-four European countries including the United States, Canada, and Russia, but now the United States is no longer included. Earlier, the United States withdrew from the Arms Control Treaty on Russia and China. It demanded more transparency, accusing it of not fully disclosing nuclear plans despite US threats.

Russia said that if the US agrees to limit the number of its nuclear weapons, it is ready to do the same.

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why ⁣did u.s. withdraw from inf treaty

US Withdrawal ⁢from⁤ Arms Control Treaty:‍ A Threat to Global Security and Transparency

In a shocking move, the ⁢United States has announced its decision to withdraw from the ⁢Arms Control Treaty, an agreement that has been instrumental in promoting transparency in military activities between‍ member states. This move has significant implications​ for global security and raises concerns about the ⁣US’s commitment to international cooperation and arms⁤ control.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand‌ the context of the Arms Control Treaty. While the specific treaty mentioned ‍in⁣ the article is not explicitly named,⁢ previous ​agreements such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty ‌and the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) have been instrumental in controlling the proliferation of nuclear arms<a href="”> [[1]]. The INF Treaty, for instance, banned all ⁤ground-launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile launchers, promoting a significant reduction in nuclear arms<a href="”> [[1]].

The withdrawal from​ the Arms Control Treaty allows⁣ the US to deploy previously restricted military assets, potentially destabilizing ‌international ⁣relations and undermining efforts⁣ to promote transparency in military activities. The ⁤Treaty’s primary goal was to facilitate unarmed surveillance flights over member states, ensuring that all parties adhered‌ to agreed-upon arms control measures.‍ By exiting the⁣ treaty, the US may be seen as attempting to avoid scrutiny of its military activities, sparking concerns about its commitment to⁢ global security and cooperation.

Notably, this move contrasts with recent agreements, such as the five-year extension of the New START ‌treaty in February 2021 [[3]].⁢ The New ⁣START treaty limits the ‌number of nuclear ⁢warheads each ⁤country⁢ can possess, capping the US and‌ Russia’s ‌arsenals at 1,550 warheads each. ⁢The extension of this treaty demonstrates the willingness of nations to cooperate ‌and reduce their nuclear capacities. In light of this, the US ​withdrawal from the Arms Control Treaty seems⁢ counterintuitive ⁢and potentially undermines global efforts to control nuclear proliferation.

Furthermore, the US ⁣withdrawal from the Arms Control Treaty raises⁢ concerns about the effectiveness of other international agreements, such⁢ as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [[2]]. These agreements are⁢ crucial for maintaining global security and preventing the proliferation of nuclear arms. The US’s decision may embolden other nations to‌ question the value of these agreements, potentially leading to ‌a⁢ destabilization of the global security⁣ landscape.

the US withdrawal from the Arms Control Treaty is a concerning development ⁣that threatens to undermine‍ global security and ‌transparency in military activities. This move may be seen as a contradiction to recent agreements, such as​ the New START treaty,‍ and raises questions about the⁣ US’s​ commitment to international cooperation and⁤ arms control. As the global community navigates this development, it is ​essential to reiterate ​the importance of international agreements in maintaining global ⁣security and promoting cooperation among nations.



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