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Jade Anna van Vliet (20), one of the most popular Dutch influencers, recently underwent a breast enlargement and proudly shows the result on social media. This news is striking because she often inspires younger followers to imitate her.

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She therefore struggled with her role model during previous cosmetic procedures. Now she wants to set a good example by being open and acknowledges that she has not always been honest. She had the procedure performed last week and shared a teaser on Instagram on Tuesday, where she has one million followers: “I did something…”

Earlier this year, the Dutch influencer had her lips enlarged and then struggled with whether she should make it public, given her influence on young girls. She then emphasized that she did not want to contribute to the normalization of cosmetic procedures. But at the same time, Jade Anna thinks it is important to be open. “I don’t think we should be secretive about it, or that no one should do it.”

(read more below the video)

“I’m here for you!”

In the coming period, Jade promises to give Anna more information about her enlargement and the recovery process. She encourages her followers to ask questions: “I have also benefited a lot from girls who were open about this online. I am here for you.” It is still unclear whether the operation was private or whether there was a commercial partnership involved.

Below are some nice pictures of Jade Anna…


Recent Updates⁢ and Insights on Jade Anna van ​Vliet

As a ‌renowned blog news writer, I’ve been following the latest⁣ developments surrounding Jade Anna van Vliet, a prominent ‍Dutch influencer.‌ My analysis will provide an overview of her recent endeavors, focusing on her personal life and career.

Personal Life: Relationship and Breast Augmentation

It⁣ appears that ⁣Jade Anna van Vliet (20) has been making headlines with her personal life. According to recent⁤ reports, she has been in a relationship with Kenneth Taylor, a midfielder for‍ Ajax [[1]]. The couple has taken a significant step by ⁢deciding to live together, marking a new chapter⁢ in their relationship.

Regarding her physical⁢ appearance, Jade Anna van ⁣Vliet has undergone breast augmentation surgery. However, it’s essential to clarify that this information is based on a May 2019 post from Ivy Health, where a‍ patient named Jade is featured ⁤ [[2]]. Although the post does not ‍explicitly confirm the influencer’s identity, it shares a similar name. As an influencer, ⁣Jade Anna van⁤ Vliet often shares aspects ⁤of her life with​ her vast following, and it’s possible that she has discussed this topic on her social media ⁤platforms.

Career and Online Presence

With over 1 million followers ​on Instagram [[3]], Jade Anna van Vliet has built a significant online ⁣presence. Her Instagram account provides a glimpse into her life, showcasing her‌ interests​ and passions. The influencer has also explored ​podcasting, ‌as evident from a post ‌mentioning her digital diary⁢ and the Confession Club podcast.

Jade ⁣Anna van Vliet ⁣continues to captivate her audience with updates on her personal​ life and career. Her decision to​ share⁤ aspects of her life with her followers has helped establish a strong connection with them.​ As a prominent influencer in the Dutch entertainment industry, her actions and endeavors will likely remain‍ under the spotlight.



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