Skybound Currents: Revolutionizing Energy Transmission with 360-Degree Conduction

Electrical connections towards the four points of the horizon develops o ADMIEthe completion of which is expected to more than double the capacity electricity transmission to and from Greece resulting in the increase of cross-border trade, the strengthening of competition and security of supply as well as the penetration of renewable energy sources.

Last week, the new connection between Greece and Bulgariaa project that has been in progress for more than 10 years, having been included in the planning since 2012. The second interconnection widens the margin of energy exchanges between the two countries as it will increase the transmission capacity to 1400 MW for the direction from Greece to Bulgaria and at 1700 MW for the direction from Bulgaria to Greece.

At the same time, studies are progressing second interconnection with Italywith a capacity of 1 GW while the Operator matures two new interconnections with Albania and Turkey, as well as the upgrade of the existing interconnection with North Macedonia.

ADMIE also helps new, strategic international connections that are routed in its area Eastern Mediterranean (Greece-Cyprus-Israel and Greece-Egypt)with the aim of our country becoming a green energy corridor between Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

As stated by the Minister of Environment and Energy Theodoros Skylakakisthis is an important energy project of pan-European interest, while he emphasized that more international connections will follow, which will further upgrade our country on the European energy map.

The electrical connections

In detail, the developments per case according to competent sources of the Administrator are as follows:


In 2022, the joint working group between the Administrators ADMIE and TERNA completed the feasibility study (preparation of market and network studies and cost-benefit analysis) for the implementation of the second Greece-Italy interconnection. After evaluating the results of the studies, the two Operators jointly decided that the optimal techno-economic solution is the construction of a new interconnection with a transmission capacity of 1,000 MW. The project is considered absolutely necessary and is estimated to triple the margin of electricity exchanges from 500 MW to 1,500 MW.

On a technical level, the new interface will be direct current, with state-of-the-art Voltage Source Converters (VSC) technology. The underwater length of the route is estimated at 220 km and the length of the underground sections in Greece and Italy at 55 km. The interconnection will result in a new KYT planned to be developed by ADMIE in Thesprotia, which will also serve the new international interconnection with Albania.


ADMIE and the Albanian Operator OST proceeded to prepare market, network and preliminary cost-benefit studies, on the basis of which it was decided to implement a third interconnection between the two countries. The new interconnection concerns a new 400 kV Overhead Transmission Line, which is estimated to increase by at least 200 MW the transmission capacity in both directions (to and from Albania). After constructive contacts between the two Administrators, the assistance of ADMIE has been specialized for the financial facilitation of the project on the Albanian side as well as the expansion of their cooperation in the energy and telecommunications field.

The new Line, which will connect the new KYT in Thesprotia with the Fier Substation in southern Albania, is estimated to have a total length of around 170 km, of which 45 km will be in the Greek Territory. The updated ten-year planning of ADMIE places the completion of the new international interconnection by 2030.

Greece-North Macedonia

Another important project under consideration by the Administrator is the upgrading of one of the two existing interconnections between Greece and North Macedonia, as the neighboring country is a critical hub in the overall Western Balkans System. The need to strengthen the transmission capacity of electricity between Greece and North Macedonia had been recognized by the European organization of Operators ENTSO-E already in previous years, within the framework of the Pan-European Ten-Year Development Program (TYNDP). In order to cover this need, ADMIE and the Operator of North Macedonia (MEPSO) reached the solution of the upgrade of the interconnected 400 kV Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line Meliti – Bitola. This project has been included in the Pan-European Ten-Year Development Program (TYNDP) as a project under consideration, with an implementation horizon after 2030.

With this data, the preliminary economic-technical investigation of the individual parameters that will allow the dimensioning of the interconnection and the quantification of the benefit that will result from its construction has been launched.


In the coming years, ADMIE is launching the construction of a second 400 kV Ultra High Voltage interconnection with Turkey with the aim of increasing the energy exchange margin by 600 MW in both directions. The design of the project was completed following cooperation between the Transmission System Operators of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey (ADMIE, ESO-EAD & TEIAS), with the investigation of alternative scenarios for the development of new interconnections between the European and Turkish Systems, to increase the transmission capacity in Greece-Turkey and Bulgaria-Turkey borders.

Following the completion of the relevant studies, in March 2022 ADMIE and TEIAS agreed on the implementation of the new interconnecting 400 kV Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line between Greece and Turkey, with a completion horizon of 2029. The new interconnecting aerial G.M. 400 kV single circuit between the Nea Santa Substation and the Babaeski Substation in Turkey, it is estimated that it will have a total length of about 130 km, of which 70 km are in the Greek Territory.


The Greece-Cyprus-Israel interconnection with the implementing body EuroAsia Interconnector is a mature project, which ADMIE is assisting as a technical consultant as early as 2021. ADMIE’s contribution to the technical adequacy of the project was decisive for its privileged access to European resources financing of 657 million euros from the Connecting Europe Facility. After many months of negotiations, in June 2023 the Manager secured his investment participation in the project, reaching an agreement with EuroAsia Interconnector for his entry into the company’s share capital with a percentage of 25%. The Operator’s equity participation, which will be completed after the due diligence process in the near future, is expected to be an acceleration factor for the signing of the contracts with the contractors who have been selected for the submarine cables and conversion stations in Crete and Cyprus.

The Greece-Cyprus-Israel interconnection is a critical energy project expected to be built in 2 consecutive phases (Crete-Cyprus and Cyprus-Israel). With its operation, it will create a new transcontinental energy transmission corridor between the Middle East and continental Europe, ending Cyprus’ energy isolation and strengthening Israel’s security of supply.


The Greece-Egypt electrical interconnection is currently under study. ADMIE works closely with the System Operator of Egypt EETC and the project promoter ELICA SA of the Kopelouzos Group, with the aim of ensuring the technical and financial viability of the GREGY – Green Energy Interconnector project proposal. In 2022, the two Administrators agreed that the project’s viability studies will be financed by the European structural funds, which is what the Greek government wants and is estimated to speed up its launch. The joint working group established by ADMIE and EETC is working intensively to mature the project while there is a strong political will from all interested parties to speed up the procedures.

In the spring of 2023, ADMIE and ELICA SA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (Memorandum of Understanding) regarding the start of exclusive discussions for the evaluation of ADMIE’s entry with a percentage of up to 33.3% in the share capital of the company developing the project of electrical interconnection of Greece -Egypt. Within the framework of the Memorandum, it is also envisaged to hold discussions between the two Parties and the Operator of the Egyptian Electricity Transmission System (EETC). The intention of the Parties is for EETC, ELICA and ADMIE to participate in the share composition with a percentage of 33.3% each. In addition, it is envisaged that ADMIE may proceed, in collaboration with ELICA, with additional studies on internal transport infrastructure projects that may be required to ensure the interconnection of national transport systems with the GREGY project.

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